c - Undefined reference to `gdk_color_parse' -
i'm using gtk + 3.0 lib, , i'm getting errors:
undefined reference `gdk_color_parse'
my source code:
int connectps3(gtkwidget *button) { hinstance hlib; hlib = loadlibrary("ccapi.dll"); gchar *ip; ip = ""; __cconnect v_connectps3 = getprocaddress(hlib, "ccapiconnectconsole"); __cnotify v_notifyps3 = getprocaddress(hlib, "ccapivshnotify"); gdkcolor color; if (v_connectps3(ip) == 0) { v_notifyps3(trophy2, "connected ps3"); gtk_button_set_label(gtk_button(button), "connected"); gdk_color_parse("green", &color); gtk_widget_modify_bg(button, gtk_state_normal, &color); } else { gtk_button_set_label(gtk_button(button), "can't connect ip address"); gdk_color_parse("red", &color); gtk_widget_modify_bg(button, gtk_state_normal, &color); } return (0); }
so if can tell me why i'm getting that, i'll thankful.
i have no linker settings.
as per this previous answer, looks there change required in compilation statement.
however, in general, please check below points,
- all libraries used (required) should linked with.
- the order of appearance of libraries matter, re-check order in regards dependency.
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