java - Check If String Input Is Not Equal To An Array of Strings -

my current issue checking how create condition output invalid input when user's input not equal of strings in defined array, , continuously ask new input until valid option.


public class gamemenu {        static string choice;        int useroption = 0;         public void printmainmenu() {               [...] /* other code prints out menu */               checkifguesscomputernumberischosen();        }        private void checkifguesscomputernumberischosen() {               scanner menuinput = createnewscanner();               choice = menuinput.nextline();                    /* code goes through array of valid input */               for(; useroption < validguesscomputernumberoptions().length; useroption++)                        checkifchoiceequalsvalidoption();       }                          private void checkifchoiceequalsvalidoption() {               if(choice.tolowercase().equals(validguesscomputernumberoptions()[useroption])) {                    playgame();                 }       }         private string[] validguesscomputernumberoptions() {              string[] inputoptions = {"a", "b", "c", "d"}; // list of input options              return inputoptions;      }  } 

i want able create method asks user input each time not match string array found @ validguesscomputernumberoptions();

i have tried code continue array index out of bounds error.

not working code:

 private void checkifguesscomputernumberischosen() {          scanner menuinput = createnewscanner(); // createnewscanner defined method in code          choice = menuinput.nextline();           for(; useroption < validguesscomputernumberoptions.length; useroption++) {                    checkifchoiceequalsvalidoption();           while(!choice.tolowercase().equals(validguesscomputernumberoptions()[useroption])) /* if not equal string */ {              choice = menuinput.nextline();          } } 

specifically, best way find whether string not equal element in array of valid inputs, prompt user enter input again. also, feedback structure , functionality of code appreciated. note valid input "a", "b" [...] example valid inputs, , not actual.

i recommend creating method use in while loop:

public boolean checkinput(string input) {     string[] inputoptions = {"a", "b", "c", "d"};     for(string : inputoptions)     {         if(input.equals(i))         {             return true;         }     }     return false; }  while(!checkinput(choice)) {     choice = menuinput.nextline(); }  //after loop choice equal b c or d... 


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