c# - XML File Error Error : System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid -

i having problem code`using system;

namespace cm18b {     public partial class form1 : form     {         public form1()         {             initializecomponent();         }          private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             system.threading.thread.sleep(40000);             configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);             string machineid = config.appsettings.settings["machineid"].value;             //messagebox.show(machineid);             double time = convert.todouble(config.appsettings.settings["time"].value);             system.timers.timer timer = new system.timers.timer(time);             timer.elapsed += ontimer;             timer.enabled = true;             this.windowstate = formwindowstate.minimized;         }         private void ontimer(object source, elapsedeventargs e)         {             var timer = (system.timers.timer)source;             timer.stop();             //messagebox.show("trying");             buildtransactionxml();             timer.start();         }         public bool sendftp(string file_name)         {             configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);             string source = config.appsettings.settings["sourcelocation"].value + "/" + file_name; //change new file name             string ftpusername = config.appsettings.settings["ftpusername"].value;             string ftppassword = config.appsettings.settings["ftppassword"].value;             string ftpfullpath = config.appsettings.settings["ftpurl"].value + "/" + file_name;             try             {                 string filename = path.getfilename(source);                 //string ftpfullpath = ftpurl;                 ftpwebrequest ftp = (ftpwebrequest)ftpwebrequest.create(ftpfullpath);                 ftp.credentials = new networkcredential(ftpusername, ftppassword);                  ftp.keepalive = true;                 ftp.usebinary = true;                 ftp.method = webrequestmethods.ftp.uploadfile;                  filestream fs = file.openread(source);                 byte[] buffer = new byte[fs.length];                 fs.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);                 fs.close();                  stream ftpstream = ftp.getrequeststream();                 ftpstream.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);                 ftpstream.close();                 return true;             }             catch (webexception ex)             {                 writelog(ex);                 return false;               }         }          public void buildtransactionxml()         {             string xmlstring = "";             configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);             string transactioncounter = config.appsettings.settings["transactioncounter"].value;             string bustaa = config.appsettings.settings["bagnumber"].value;              string cm18string = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["cm18string"].connectionstring;             sqlconnection con = null;             try             {                 con = new sqlconnection(cm18string);                 if (con.state != system.data.connectionstate.open)                 {                     con.open();                 }                  string currency = "";                 string device = "";                 string result = "";                 string symbol = "";                 string type = "";                 string type1 = "";                 string file_name = "";                 string user = "";                 string filesaved = "";                 string date = "";                 string time = "";                 string cassette = "";                  sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("select [idp],[datetimeoperazione],[importo],[tipooperazione],[banconote_e500],[banconote_e200],[banconote_e100],[banconote_e50],[banconote_e20],[banconote_e10],[banconote_e5],[bustaa] [databos].[dbo].[operazioni] join  [databos].[dbo].[buste] on [databos].[dbo].[operazioni].sessioneref = [databos].[dbo].[buste].sessioneref tipooperazione in ('161','3', '1') , idp > @idp", con);                 cmd.parameters.add("@idp", transactioncounter);                 sqldatareader rd = cmd.executereader();                 while (rd.read())                 {                     string filecounter = config.appsettings.settings["filecounter"].value;                      switch (rd.getint32(3))                      {                         case 161:                             type = "out";                             type1 = "out";                             break;                         case 1:                             type = "outb";                             type1 = "outb";                             break;                         case 3:                             type = "in";                             type1 = "in";                             config.appsettings.settings["bagnumber"].value = rd.getstring(11);                             config.save(configurationsavemode.modified);                             bustaa= rd.getstring(11);                             break;                         default:                             type = "";                             break;                     }                     cassette = bustaa;                     currency = "euro";                     symbol = "€";                     date = rd.getdatetime(1).tostring("m/dd/yyyy");                     time = rd.getdatetime(1).tostring();                     device = config.appsettings.settings["machineid"].value;                     file_name = device + "_" + type1 + ".xml";                     xmlstring = "";                     xmlstring = "<transaction><device>" + device + "</device><status>" + @type1 + "</status><currency><description>" + currency + "</description><symbol>" + symbol + "</symbol></currency><date_time><date>" + date + "</date><time>" + time + "</time></date_time><cassette>" + cassette + "</cassette><<filename>" + file_name + "</filename>";                     file_name = device + "_"  + type1 + "_" + filecounter + ".xml";                    if (type == "in")                     {                         config.appsettings.settings["hasmoney"].value = "true";                         int  ttype = 0;                          int  value = 0;                         int  quantity = 0;                         (int =1 ; i<=7;i++)                         {                             ttype = 0;                             value = 0;                             quantity = 0;                             switch(i)                             {                                 case 1:                                      ttype = 500;                                     break;                                 case 2:                                      ttype = 200;                                     break;                                 case 3:                                      ttype = 100;                                     break;                                 case 4:                                      ttype = 50;                                     break;                                 case 5:                                      ttype = 20;                                     break;                                 case 6:                                     ttype = 10;                                     break;                                 case 7:                                      ttype = 5;                                     break;                              }                              quantity = rd.getint32(i+4);                             value = quantity * ttype;                             if(quantity !=0)                             {                                 xmlstring = xmlstring + "<transactionline type = \"" + ttype.tostring("##########0.00").replace(',', '.') + "\"><quantity>" + quantity.tostring() + "</quantity><value>" + value.tostring("##########0.00").replace(',', '.') + "</value></transactionline>";                                }                         }                     }                     else if ((type == "out") || ((config.appsettings.settings["hasmoney"].value == "true") && (type == "outb")))                     {                         type= "out";                         config.appsettings.settings["hasmoney"].value = "false";                         sqlconnection con1 = new sqlconnection(cm18string);                         if (con1.state != system.data.connectionstate.open)                         {                                con1.open();                         }                          sqlcommand cmd1 = new sqlcommand("select sum([banconote_e500]),sum([banconote_e200]),sum([banconote_e100]),sum([banconote_e50]),sum([banconote_e20]),sum([banconote_e10]),sum([banconote_e5])),[bustaa] [databos].[dbo].[operazioni] join  [databos].[dbo].[buste] on [databos].[dbo].[operazioni].sessioneref = [databos].[dbo].[buste].sessioneref   tipooperazione in ('161','3', '1') , bustaa = @bag group bustaa", con1);                         cmd1.parameters.add("@bag",cassette);                         sqldatareader rd1 = cmd1.executereader();                         rd1.read();                         long ttype = 0;                         long value = 0;                         long quantity = 0;                         (int =1 ; i<=7;i++)                         {                             ttype = 0;                             value = 0;                             quantity = 0;                             switch(i)                             {                                 case 1:                                      ttype = 5;                                     break;                                 case 2:                                      ttype = 10;                                     break;                                 case 3:                                      ttype = 20;                                     break;                                 case 4:                                      ttype = 50;                                     break;                                 case 5:                                      ttype = 100;                                     break;                                 case 6:                                      ttype = 200;                                     break;                                 case 7:                                      ttype = 500;                                     break;                              quantity = rd1.getint32(i - 1);                             value = quantity * ttype;                             if(quantity !=0)                             {                                 // xmlstring = xmlstring + "<transactionline type = \"" + ttype.tostring("##########0.00").replace(',', '.') + "\"><quantity>" + quantity.tostring() + "</quantity><value>" + value.tostring("##########0.00").replace(',', '.') + "</value></transactionline>";  //enable csextra                                 xmlstring = xmlstring + "<transactionline type = \"" + ttype.tostring("##########0.00") + "\"><quantity>" + quantity.tostring() + "</quantity><value>" + value.tostring("##########0.00") + "</value></transactionline>";                             }                         }                         rd1.close();                         con1.close();                      }                    //else                     //{                     //}                      xmlstring = xmlstring + "</transaction>";                      string fout = config.appsettings.settings["destinationlocation"].value;                     system.io.streamwriter file = new system.io.streamwriter(fout + "\\"+ file_name);                     file.writeline(xmlstring);                     file.close();                     if (sendftp(file_name))                     {                         config.appsettings.settings["transactioncounter"].value = rd.getint32(0).tostring();                         transactioncounter = rd.getint32(0).tostring();                         config.save(configurationsavemode.modified);                         config.appsettings.settings["filecounter"].value = convert.toint32(config.appsettings.settings["filecounter"].value) + 1 + "";                         filecounter = config.appsettings.settings["filecounter"].value;                         config.save(configurationsavemode.modified);                         writelog(file_name);                     }                     else                     {                         break;                     }                 }                 rd.close();                 con.close();             }}             catch (exception e)             {                 writelog(e);             }{         }}     public void writelog(string message)         {             try             {                 configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);                 string logfilelocation = config.appsettings.settings["loglocation"].value;                 system.io.streamwriter file1 = new system.io.streamwriter(logfilelocation + "\\log.txt", true);                  file1.writeline();                 file1.writeline("successfully completed");                 file1.writeline(message);                 file1.writeline("==================================================================================================");                 file1.writeline("==================================================================================================");                 file1.writeline();                 file1.close();             }             catch             {                 configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);                 messagebox.show("please create folder: " + config.appsettings.settings["loglocation"].value);             }         }          public void writelog(webexception ex)         {             try             {                 configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);                 string logfilelocation = config.appsettings.settings["loglocation"].value;                 system.io.streamwriter file1 = new system.io.streamwriter(logfilelocation + "\\log.txt", true);                 file1.writeline();                 file1.writeline("ftp error");                 file1.writeline("error : " + ex.tostring());                 file1.writeline("ftp response : " + ((ftpwebresponse)ex.response).statusdescription);                 file1.writeline("filecounter : " + config.appsettings.settings["filecounter"].value);                 file1.writeline("==================================================================================================");                 file1.writeline("==================================================================================================");                 file1.writeline();                 file1.close();             }             catch             {                 configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);                 messagebox.show("please create folder: " + config.appsettings.settings["loglocation"].value);             }         }          public void writelog(exception ex)         {             try             {                 configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);                 string logfilelocation = config.appsettings.settings["loglocation"].value;                 system.io.streamwriter file1 = new system.io.streamwriter(logfilelocation + "\\log.txt", true);                 file1.writeline();                 file1.writeline("xml file error");                 file1.writeline("error : " + ex.tostring());                 file1.writeline("filecounter : " + config.appsettings.settings["filecounter"].value);                 file1.writeline("==================================================================================================");                 file1.writeline("==================================================================================================");                 file1.writeline();                 file1.close();             }             catch             {                 configuration config = configurationmanager.openexeconfiguration(application.executablepath);                 messagebox.show("please create folder: " + config.appsettings.settings["loglocation"].value);             }         }     } } 

it giving me error @ line quantity = rd.getint32(i+4)

i know value int 32 database why m getting error.?


it because i+4 isn't int32 datatype. trying printing i+4 before , check column type matches in position , fix code accordingly.


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