search - Searching for invoices with Paypal-PHP-SDK fails -

i'm unable search invoices based on invoice status. have tried following:

        //$searchstring = '[{         //                  "status" : "sent",         //                  "page" : 0,         //                  "page_size" : 0,         //                  "total_count_required" : true         //                 }]'; 

this above search string returns http response 500.

        $searchstring = '{                           "status" : "sent",                           "page" : 0,                           "page_size" : 0,                           "total_count_required" : "true"                          }'; 

this above search string returns "{"name":"validation_error","message":"invalid request - see details.","debug_id":"e8b3b40ca05f4","details":[{"field":"status","issue":"can not deserialize instance of java.util.arraylist out of value_string token @ line:1, column:2"}]}".

        //$searchstring = '{         //                  "page" : 0,         //                  "page_size" : 0,         //                  "total_count_required" : true         //                 }'; 

the above search string returns invoices.

        $search = new search($searchstring);          $invoices = invoice::search($search, $apicontext); 

has been able search based on invocie status?

thanks jim

just ran issue myself. little late @jim answer put stats in array. way can query multiple status.

"status" : ["sent"], 

or mulitiple

"status" : ["sent", "paid"], 

hope helps someone


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