html - Hide row div for medium or large screens -

i have site needs alternative home page xs screens. have hidden controls on xs screens struggling control show on xs screen. cant see regarding visibility on chrome debugger (f12) maybe order in state bootstrap parameters showing , hiding col.

the following simplified code not show on xs screen. help!

    <div class="row row-top col-xs-12 visible-xs hidden-md hidden-lg">                                 <a  href="/home.html">test</a>     </div> 

sorry, got - need have 2 divs, 1 row class , col class. bad.

    <div class="row row-top hidden-md hidden-lg">            <div class="col-xs-12">                   <a class="navbar-brand" href="/home.html">m.f.o'hare & associates</a>         </div>     </div> 


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