oracle sqldeveloper - Create a temp table from a select query -- dbVisualizer vs SQL Developer -

i've got query:

select < column names >  <#temp_table>  < table >  < stuff >  

it runs fine in dbvisualizer. however, running in oracle sql developer gives me error "the executequery method must return result set."

what happening here, , how can fix in sql developer?

edit: in response tanner, errors when try following things (tell me if try invalid. i'm new sql):


    select * #temp_table status 

produces this:

    executequery method must return result set. 


    select * #temp_table status;     select * #temp_table; 

produces this:

    invalid object name '#temp_table'. 

and this:

    select *     from(       select * #temp_table status) 

produces this:

    incorrect syntax near keyword 'into'. 

i'm lost, ladies , gentledudes.

if have query like:

select *  #temp  table_a 

that creating , inserting data temp table.

what need return temp table, after have run code need this:

select *  #temp 


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