Android: Rotate two objects(circles) onTouch with animation -

basically want draw 2 circles (one red, 1 blue) , make them rotate rotate animation. trying days without success.

tried move animation method gameview class didn't work there either.

currently crashes on ontouch. here's code far:


    public class gamescreen  extends activity  {      private gameview mygameview;     private drawthread drawthread ;      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_game_screen);          mygameview = (gameview) (findviewbyid(;          mygameview.setzorderontop(true);         mygameview.getholder().setformat(pixelformat.translucent);     }       public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent e) {         int eventaction = e.getaction();         switch (eventaction) {             case motionevent.action_down:                 system.out.println("clicked");                 mygameview.rotate(mygameview);                 mygameview.invalidate();                 break;          }         return true;     } } 


    public class gameview extends surfaceview implements         surfaceholder.callback {       private bleencatcher bluecatcher;     private bleencatcher redcatcher;     private drawthread drawthread;     private int colorblue = -16776961;     private int colorred = -65536;        public gameview(context context) {         super(context);         initialize();     }      public gameview(context context, attributeset attrs) {         super(context, attrs);         initialize();     }      public gameview(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle) {         super(context, attrs, defstyle);         initialize();     }      private void initialize() {         getholder().addcallback(this);         drawthread = new drawthread(getholder(), this);         setfocusable(true);     }      public void surfacecreated(surfaceholder holder) {         bluecatcher = new bleencatcher(540, 850, colorblue);         redcatcher = new bleencatcher(540, 950, colorred);         drawthread.setrunning(true);         drawthread.start();     }      public void surfacechanged(surfaceholder arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int          arg3) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     }      public void surfacedestroyed(surfaceholder arg0) {         boolean retry = true;         drawthread.setrunning(false);         while (retry) {             try {                 drawthread.join();                 retry = false;             } catch (interruptedexception e) {   }         }     }      public void ondraw(canvas canvas) {          redcatcher.ondraw(canvas);         bluecatcher.ondraw(canvas);     }      public void rotate(gameview game ){         redcatcher.changeposition(game);         bluecatcher.changeposition(game);      }  } 


    public class bleencatcher {      int x, y, rad = 50;     private animation anima;     private boolean rotate = false;     private gameview mygameview;     bleenpaint catcherpaint;       public bleencatcher(int x, int y, int color) {         this.x = x;         this.y = y;         catcherpaint = new bleenpaint(1, paint.cap.square,,             color);     }       public void ondraw(canvas canvas) {         if(rotate){             canvas.drawcircle(x, y, rad, catcherpaint);             createanimation(canvas);             rotate = false;         }else{             canvas.drawcircle(x, y, rad, catcherpaint);         }      }       public void changeposition(gameview game){         rotate = true;         mygameview = game;     }       protected void createanimation(canvas canvas) {         anima = new rotateanimation(0, 180, 540 , 850);         anima.setrepeatmode(animation.restart);         anima.setrepeatcount(animation.infinite);         anima.setduration(1000l);         mygameview.startanimation(anima);     } } 


    public class drawthread extends thread {     private surfaceholder surfaceholder;     private gameview surfaceview;     private boolean run = false;      public drawthread(surfaceholder surfaceholder, gameview surfaceview) {         this.surfaceholder = surfaceholder;         this.surfaceview = surfaceview;         run = false;     }      public void setrunning(boolean run) {         log.d("setrunning@drawthread", "run status " + run); = run;     }      @override     public void run() {         canvas canvas = null;         while (run) {             try {                 canvas = surfaceholder.lockcanvas(null);                 synchronized (surfaceholder) {                     surfaceview.ondraw(canvas);                 }             } {                 if (canvas != null) {                     surfaceholder.unlockcanvasandpost(canvas);                 }             }         }     } } 


    public class bleenpaint extends paint {     public bleenpaint(int strokewidth, paint.cap cap, style,                   int color) {         setstrokewidth(strokewidth);         setantialias(true);         setstrokecap(cap);         setstyle(style);         setcolor(color);     } } 

any appreciated.

make anim folder in res , make flipping.xml , use in class.

<set android:interpolator="@android:anim/linear_interpolator"> <rotate android:fromdegrees="0"  android:todegrees="360"  android:pivotx="50%" android:pivoty="50%"  android:duration="500"  android:startoffset="0" android:repeatcount="1" android:repeatmode="reverse"/></set> 

like in code & manage time how time want animation.

animatorset set; set = (animatorset) animatorinflater.loadanimator(this, r.anim.flipping);     set.settarget(img_logo);     set.start();      timer timer = new timer();     timer.schedule(task, 2000); 


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