c# - Logout not redirecting to Login Page MVC -

i trying navigate login page(sso) facing challenges.

i dont have login page/controller can navigate on logout need redirect third party page(sso) on logout.

in view :(_layout.cshtml)

<a href="@url.action("logout", "home")"> <i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i> <span data-i18n="log out">log out</span> </a> 

in homecontroller.cs

public actionresult logout() {   // delete user details cache.   httpcontext.session.abandon();   return redirect(configurationmanager.appsettings["logouturl"]); } 

in web.config:

<add key ="logouturl" value="https://ssointrad.dev.ipc.us.aexp.com/ssoi/request?request_type=un_logoffampsd;ssourl=https://wpdcldwa00123.abc.xxxx.com/gpatdev"/> 

now when click on logout redirects : https://wpdcldwa00123.abc.xxxx.com/gpatdev/home/logout

how resolve issue ?



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