Can't customize django ckeditor toolbar -

i installed django-ckeditor==4.4.8 on django1.6

but minimum of buttons in toolbar, tried change toolbar more options, specially able add pictures

this get:

enter image description here

and these settings:

#ckeditor settings ckeditor_upload_path = "images/" ckeditor_image_backend = 'pillow' ckeditor_jquery_url = '//'  aws_querystring_auth = false ckeditor_configs = { 'default': {     'toolbar':'full', }, 


btw wonder happen when add picture , delete link of picture text editor, picture doing deleted?

try putting in settings file:

ckeditor_configs = {    'default': {        'toolbar_full': [             ['styles', 'format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike', 'spellchecker', 'undo', 'redo'],             ['link', 'unlink', 'anchor'],             ['image', 'flash', 'table', 'horizontalrule'],             ['textcolor', 'bgcolor'],             ['smiley', 'specialchar'], ['source'],             ['justifyleft','justifycenter','justifyright','justifyblock'],             ['numberedlist','bulletedlist'],             ['indent','outdent'],             ['maximize'],         ],         'extraplugins': 'justify,liststyle,indent',    }, } 


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