sparkr - Unable to call sparkRSQL.init function -

i new spark , trying run example mentioned in sparkr page. effort, able install sparkr machine , able run basic wordcount example. however, when try run:

library(sparkr) #works fine - loads package sc <- sparkr.init() #works fine sqlcontext <- sparkrsql.init(sc) #fails

it says, there no package called ‘sparkrsql’. per documentation sparkrsql.init function in sparkr package. please let me know if missing here.

thanks in advance.

i have faced problem when trying test sparkr. there lack of documentation on part. problem "sparkrsql" , "sparkrhive" not included in master branch, have install sparkr package "sparkr-sql" branch using command:

library(devtools) install_github("amplab-extras/sparkr-pkg", ref="sparkr-sql", subdir="pkg") 

there hint in amplab website

dataframe introduced in spark 1.3; 1.3-compatible sparkr version can found in github repo sparkr-sql branch, includes preliminary r api work dataframes. link sparkr against older versions of spark, use archives on page or master branch.


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