c++ - Printing diamond of stars -

i printing diamond of stars code compiling , running printing half of diamond......anyone please help.

below have mentioned code. cannot understand problem why system executing first half , not other half of diamond.

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() {     int n,i=0,j;     cin>>n;      while(i<=(n/2))     {     j=0;     while(j<(n/2)-i){         cout<<" ";         j=j+1;      }     j=0;     while(j<i+1){         cout<<"*";         j=j+1;     }     j=0;     while(j<=i-1){         cout<<"*";         j=j+1;     }     cout<<"\n";     i=i+1;     }  while(i<=(n/2))        {         j=0;         while(j<(n/2)-i)         {             cout<<" ";             j=j+1;          }         j=0;         while(j<i)             {             cout<<"*";             j=j+1;             }         j=0;         while(j<i-1){             cout<<"*";             j++;         }         cout<<"\n";         i--;       }  return 0; } 

you using same iterator (i) in both while() loops. either use different iterator in second loop, or reset it.


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