ios - Resume download after app has been quit -

i wondering whether possible resume download after app has been terminated user or os.

i can see sktdownloadmanager has methods pause , resume download. however, these methods work current sktdownloadobjecthelpers. if pull them out of sktdownloadmanager.storeddownloadobjects() after app has been quit , started again , throw them @ sktdownloadmanager.sharedinstance().resumedownloadfordownloadhelper() manager won't resume downloads.

i dug little deeper code , these downloads not getting restarted because of lack of proper status. sktgroupeddownloadoperation.m:87:

if (self.currentrunninggroupedoperation.statedownloaditem >= sktmapdownloaditemstatusdownloading) {      return no; //cannot start download,isntall, finsihed } 

so, questions whether possible resume downloads after app has been terminated , if how do it. appreciated :)

for resuming download, should trigger event in application:didfinishlaunching or after application restarted:

[[skdownloadmanager sharedinstance] tryrestartdownloadswithdelegate:self anddatasource:self]; 


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