winapi - Convert events from a USB human interface device using C++ -

i have usb hid touchpad collects input. default, when press on touchpad generates carriage return (enter) , when try use mouse enters dragging state.

what want convert carriage return mouse click event , dragging state cursor move without initial clicking part.

i found raw input alternative. however, don't know how convert mouse click , cursor move.

here code responsible mouse 'reading':

lresult callback mouseproc (int ncode, wparam wparam, lparam lparam) {     mousehookstruct * pmousestruct = (mousehookstruct *)lparam;     if (pmousestruct != null)     {         if(wparam == wm_lbuttondown)         {             cout<<"clicked"<<endl;         }         printf("mouse position x = %d  mouse position y = %d\n", pmousestruct->pt.x,pmousestruct->pt.y);          stringstream sx, sy;         sx << (int) pmousestruct->pt.x << endl;         sy << (int) pmousestruct->pt.y << endl;     }     return callnexthookex(hmousehook, ncode, wparam, lparam); } 

then keyboard part:

lresult callback lowlevelkeyboardproc(int ncode, wparam wparam, lparam lparam) {     if (ncode < 0)         return callnexthookex(null, ncode, wparam, lparam);      tagkbdllhookstruct *str = (tagkbdllhookstruct *)lparam;      cout<<str->vkcode<<endl;      return callnexthookex(null, ncode, wparam, lparam); } 

then logging part:

dword winapi mylogger(lpvoid lpparm) {      hinstance hinstance = getmodulehandle(null);     hmousehook = setwindowshookex( wh_mouse_ll, mouseproc, hinstance, null );     hkeyhook = setwindowshookex( wh_keyboard_ll, lowlevelkeyboardproc, hinstance, null );      msg message;     while (getmessage(&message,null,0,0))     {         translatemessage( &message );         dispatchmessage( &message );     }      unhookwindowshookex(hmousehook);     return 0; } 

note: don't know if relevant, want use hid play in chromium instance on windows system.

when register hook wh_mouse_ll, possible values of wparam are: wm_lbuttondown, wm_lbuttonup, wm_mousemove, wm_mousewheel, wm_mousehwheel, wm_rbuttondown, or wm_rbuttonup.

i'm expecting once wm_lbuttondown issued, a corresponding wm_lbuttonup has issued prevent cursor entering dragging state.

i don't have device test try call below prevent entering dragging state.

callnexthookex(hmousehook, ncode, wm_lbuttonup, lparam); 

or use mouse_event mouseeventf_leftup inject release of left button.

i don't think raw input alternative idea. see measure of last resort.


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