java - Exception while calling MPI.Init(args) -

i started using mpjexpress on windows. did configurations mentioned in document windows

ran small program :-

import mpi.*;  public class helloworld {     public static void main(string args[]) throws exception {         mpi.init(args);         int me = mpi.comm_world.rank();         int size = mpi.comm_world.size();         system.out.println("hi <" + me + ">");         mpi.finalize();     } } 

and when run error :-

exception in thread "main" mpi.mpiexception: usage: java mpi <myrank> <conf_file> <device_name> conf_file can be, ../conf/xdev.conf <local>or <remote>     @ mpi.mpi.init( 

there no xdev.conf file in ../conf/xdev.conf (i checked previous mpjexpress versions) not reachable

when see code see if

(args.length < 3) {        throw new mpjdevexception("usage: " +          "java mpjdev <myrank> <conf_file> <device_name>"        +"conf_file can be, ../conf/xdev.conf <local>"        +"or <remote>");      } 

what doing wrong, above exception. looks args.length less 3, above exception. how can rectify ?

@aadityachauhan cannot run mpj express applications using run java application option. need pass arguments in vm arguments section. can @ first half of youtube video tutorial run mpj express eclipse.


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