Xamarin.Forms Add NavigationBar -

i want manage nav bar appearence in xaml?

and how can manage nav bar appearence in tabbed page? navigationbar.sethasnavigationbar(tabpage,true) seems not working.

thank all,


changing color of navigation bar

to change color of navigation bar generically using xamarin.forms need change properties in 1 place, i'd suggest add following app.cs file mentioned in post on xamarin forums.

changing color of tab bar

unfortunately, changing color of tab bar not supported in xaml.

you although need write customer renderer ios so:

[assembly: exportrenderer(typeof(tabbedpage), typeof(customtabbedpagerenderer))] namespace jetadvice_free.ios.renderers {     class customtabbedpagerenderer : tabbedrenderer     {         protected override void onelementchanged(visualelementchangedeventargs e)         {             base.onelementchanged(e);              tabbar.tintcolor = monotouch.uikit.uicolor.black;             tabbar.bartintcolor = monotouch.uikit.uicolor.fromrgb(255, 128, 0);         }     } } 

then, whenever use tappedpage on ios, background color applied tab bar.


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