python programming for multiple path copy and read from default path -

i coping file in default path reading verification. if read fails need copy copy in default path again , read.

present logic follows, can 1 suggest syntax copy in path copy bakcup default in failed case?

    #copying dump     cpdump = "cp -rf "+dumpconst.hmc_default_dump_offload_path + i_dump_name + \                                                                " "+destpath     self.testlog("copying dump file "+i_dump_name+" path==>"+destpath)      try:         l_fw_con.su_command(suid, destname, supasswd,cpdump,suidpasswd)     except lcbcommandserror,e:         raise dumphelpererror(fwerrors.sysdump_setup_error,\                 "unable copy dump file.reason:"+e.reason)     except sshconnectionerror,e:         raise dumphelpererror(fwerrors.sysdump_setup_error,e.reason)      self.testlog("dump file copy mount path==>[completed]")      dump_verify_tool = dumpconst.dump_verification_tool_dir + \                               dumpconst.dump_verification_util      self.testlog("dump content verification==>[in progress]")      #run content verification     try:         cmd = dump_verify_tool + mountpoint+"/dumps/"+i_dump_name         l_result = lcbcmd.sulcbexecute(cmd)     except (lcbconnectionerror, lcbcommandserror) e:         self.errorlog(str(e))         raise dumphelpererror(fwerrors.sysdump_setup_error,\                               "dump verification tool execution failed. " +                               "reason: " + e.reason) 


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