python - virtualenvwrapper hooks aren't loading automatically -

(following marina mele's taskbuster django tutorial)

the virtualenv called tb_test. in $virtual_env/bin/ (~/.virtualenvs/tb_test) pasted postactivate file general hooks folder in $workon_home , added 2 lines looks this:

$virtual_env/bin/postactivate #!/bin/zsh # hook sourced after every virtualenv activated.

echo "helo" export django_settings_module="taskbuster.settings.testing" 

however, upon running workon tb_test virtualenv gets activated , postactivate hook not being loaded. no "helo" echo :-(

works me. double check using workon activate virtualenv (not source bin/activate), , activating right virtualenv.

if still not work, please provide more information environment (os, versions of involved packages, etc.). did modify of other virtualenv-wrapper hooks?

update: maybe created hook in wrong path? if create virtualenv mkvirtualenv, should create postactivate file in right place, have edit it. should in location:


to clarify: not in ~/.virtualenvs/tb_test/postactivate


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