requirejs - Hammer.js events with Marionette.js doesn't work -

i'm trying use hammer.js backbone , marionette , require.js

when initialize events , event not fired .

i use hammer.js , jquery.hammer extension

i :

edit :

events: {     "tap .menu ": " handletap " },  handletape: function(){     console.log("hammer time!"); },  onrender: function () {     // instantiate hammer     $ el.hammer(). } 

to reach goal , include hammer.js first , jquery.hammer before backbone , marionette.js. there no error in debug console, event not detected

there way bind hammer's events without doing :

onrender: function () {     // instantiate hammer , bind tap event     this.$el.hammer().bind('tap .menu', function () {         console.log('hammer time!'         }).     } 


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