vb.net - .net - service reference - assigning request values produces nullreferenceexception -

vb.net - vs2010 app. adding service reference & trying provide values request properties.

in debug, nullreferenceexception on civicnum line below. have called other web services on same environment way no problem. difference - plain java web services - composite service created using bpel.

can call service in soapui , ajax code.

anyone able help? (valadd service reference - properties defined right off request object - here - find them under called process in object browser)

dim valclient valadd.validateaddressmulticlient = new valadd.validateaddressmulticlient             valclient.open()             dim myresults new valadd.processresponse1             dim myrequest new valadd.processrequest              myrequest.process.civicnum = "212"             myrequest.process.place = "boise"             myrequest.process.postalcode = "89567"             myrequest.process.streetdir = ""             myrequest.process.streetname = "acorn"             myrequest.process.streettype = "st"             myrequest.process.civicnumsuffix = ""              myresults = valclient.valadd_validateaddressmulti_process(myrequest) 


sorry - may not have explained enough. understand part of statement undefined , not - , see, @plutonix, .process - i'm needing with, though, understanding why can properties civicnum, place, etc if use myrequest.process.civicnum , not myrequest.civicnum , how around having .process in there - since nothing


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