fiware - Keyrock Installation -

i following manual installation steps provided here:

we not know in step "4. initial sample data" of keystone, since says should use automatic installation tools if plan use keystone fiware identity management. then, can install keyrock manually? or have through automatic tools in order use keystone fiware.

thanks in advance, rafa.

its hard give answer out knowing specific use case try give broad explanation.

yes, can install manually if that's want. "initial sample data" step depends on how want use identity manager (or back-end part based on keystone). sample data fake data in database can right away demo or test identity manager. said, installation instructions not clear in explaining there "required data" , "testing data", try explain better here (and update wiki afterwards :) )

if want our modified version of keystone (you plan use keystone component of openstack deployment) don't need bother "sample data" @ all. need create users services, roles, projects, services, endpoints etc. normal keystone installation. creating of have 3 options: create hand, use script provided keystone (as hinted in wiki) starting point or use keystone.populate in automated tools (which can modify suit needs).

if plan use whole identity manager component (keystone back-end + horizon front-end) still need "required data" keystone provided not anymore valid starting point, should either hand or using keystone.populate. additionally, can create "sample data" test out idm right away users, organizations , applications. can create either hand or using automated tools' task keystone.test_data.

i rewrite section on wiki better reflect options , add list "required data" each situation. answer wasn't confusing.


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