graph theory - Find all sets of closed nodes in R -

i have edge list follows (simple example):

dt <- data.frame(x = c(letters[1:7],"a","b","c","a","d","e","f"), y = c(letters[1:7],"b","a","a","c","f","f","d")) > dt    x y 1  a 2  b b 3  c c 4  d d 5  e e 6  f f 7  g g 8  b 9  b 10 c 11 c 12 d f 13 e f 14 f d 

i graphed using following code:

require(igraph) myadj <- get.adjacency(graph.edgelist(as.matrix(dt), directed=false)) my_graph <- graph.adjacency(myadj) layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(my_graph,niter=500,area=vcount(my_graph)^2.3,repulserad=vcount(my_graph)^2.8) plot(my_graph, vertex.size=10,       vertex.label.cex=1,      edge.arrow.size=0, edge.curved=true,layout=layout) 

network graph

what go extract set of closed nodes. i'm not sure typical notation like, imagine:

  node set 1      1 2    b   1 3    c   1 4    d   2 5    e   2 6    f   2 7    g   3 

i have looked around functions/algorithms, don't think have been able articulate looking properly. new graph theory, not sure of right format start with. easiest edge list, adjacency matrix (sparse or full) or otherwise?


data.frame(node = v(my_graph)$name, set = membership(clusters(my_graph))) #   node set # 1      1 # 2    b   1 # 3    c   1 # 4    d   2 # 5    e   2 # 6    f   2 # 7    g   3 


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