ios - Define a section of code in a class that's configured for two targets to run only in one of the targets: -

i'm working on custom keyboard project. in project have 2 targets (the app , keyboard targets). build class that's responsible handling network data both of targets:

class feeddatamanager: urlmanagerdelegate, modelmanagerdelegate { //class variables....  func initforkeyboard() {     self.mmodelmanager = modelmanager(acontext: self.managedobjectcontext())     self.mmodelmanager.delegate = self     self.mmodelmanager.mdelegatehashstring = hashstring(self)      self.mfeedsarray = array<news>()     mmodelmanager.getfeeds(&self.mfeedsarray)     self.murlmanager = urlmanager()     self.murlmanager.delegate = self }  func initforapp() {     self.mmodelmanager = modelmanager(acontext: self.managedobjectcontext())     self.mmodelmanager.delegate = self     self.mmodelmanager.mdelegatehashstring = hashstring(self)      let uuid: string? = userdefaultsmanager.sharedinstance.getobjectforkey("uuid") as? string     self.murlmanager = urlmanager()     self.murlmanager.delegate = self     murlmanager.dogetlanguagesrequest()      if uuid == nil {         murlmanager.doregistrationrequest()     } }  //mark: - news related methods func getnews() {     self.mfeedsarray.removeall(keepcapacity: false)     self.mmodelmanager.getfeeds(&self.mfeedsarray)     logger.printlogtoconsole(tag, amethodname: __function__, amessage: "feeds array count: \(mfeedsarray.count)")     self.murlmanager.dogetsourcesrequest() }  func handlerequestresults(aactioncode: int, adata: nsdata? = nil) {     if let val = adata {         if aactioncode == kiboconstants.networkactioncodes.get_news_done {             let currenttime: double = nsdate().timeintervalsince1970             userdefaultsmanager.sharedinstance.setdouble(currenttime, akey: kiboconstants.commonstrings.user_def_last_update_time_stamp)             var json: anyobject! = nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(adata!, options: .mutablecontainers, error: nil)             var nextupdate: anyobject? = json.valueforkey(kiboconstants.commonstrings.user_def_next_update)             self.settimewithnextupdatevalue(nextupdate)             self.mmodelmanager.updatenews(json, acallerhashstring: hashstring(self))          } else if aactioncode == kiboconstants.networkactioncodes.get_sources_done {             var jsonwrapped: anyobject! = nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(adata!, options: .mutablecontainers, error: nil)             if self.mmodelmanager == nil {                 self.mmodelmanager = modelmanager(acontext: self.managedobjectcontext())                 self.mmodelmanager.delegate = self                 self.mmodelmanager.mdelegatehashstring = hashstring(self)             }             if let json: anyobject = jsonwrapped {                 mmodelmanager.updatesources(json)             }         } else if aactioncode == kiboconstants.networkactioncodes.get_languages_done {             #if application             var json: anyobject! = nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(adata!, options: .mutablecontainers, error: nil)             if let val: anyobject = json {                 let languages: anyobject = json.objectforkey(kiboconstants.jsonkeys.json_key_data_languages_lowercase)!                 item in languages as! array<anyobject> {                     applicationlanguagesmanager.sharedinstance.addlanguagetoavailablelanguagesarray(item)                 }             }             #endif         }     } else {         self.settimewithnextupdatevalue(kiboconstants.userdefaultsvalues.default_next_news_update_val)     } } ..... } 

if handlerequestresults method, see section:

#if application var json: anyobject! = nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(adata!, options: .mutablecontainers, error: nil) if let val: anyobject = json {     let languages: anyobject = json.objectforkey(kiboconstants.jsonkeys.json_key_data_languages_lowercase)!     item in languages as! array<anyobject> {         applicationlanguagesmanager.sharedinstance.addlanguagetoavailablelanguagesarray(item)     } } #endif 

and in application target have defined following in preprocessor macros section: enter image description here

now when run application in debug , use "po application" @ point relevant print, while in keyboard extension following error: error: <expr>:1:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'application'

meaning configuration read correctly.

the problem/question is: in application's run code still isn't executed. knows why? missing here?

thanks in advance.

rainer's answer correct.

however, may try this. in application target add macro:

application = 1

and in keyboard extension add

application = 0

with able use current code without problems. and, additional benefit, keyboard extension won't complain cannot find definition of application , ignore code.

either approach works.


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