OSX crash log: How can I find what line in my app caused this crash? -

someone else got error, how find out source of crash?

not sure file libdyld.dylib nor sure how understand exception type , code.

os version:      mac os x 10.9.5 (13f1077)  crashed thread:  0  dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread  exception type:  exc_bad_instruction (sigill) exception codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000  thread 0 crashed:: dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0   com.themolehill.tickmac         0x000000010bf9bb6b 0x10bf98000 + 15211 1   com.themolehill.tickmac         0x000000010bf996b6 0x10bf98000 + 5814 2   com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87d77718 -[nsviewcontroller view] + 41 3   com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87f2b4c2 -[nspopover showrelativetorect:ofview:preferrededge:] + 172 4   com.themolehill.tickmac         0x000000010bfa8371 0x10bf98000 + 66417 5   com.themolehill.tickmac         0x000000010bfabb55 0x10bf98000 + 80725 6   com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87e8ba58 -[nswindow sendevent:] + 11296 7   com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87f8711b -[nsstatusbarwindow sendevent:] + 247 8   com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87e2a5d4 -[nsapplication sendevent:] + 2021 9   com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87c7a9f9 -[nsapplication run] + 646 10  com.apple.appkit                0x00007fff87c65783 nsapplicationmain + 940 11  com.themolehill.tickmac         0x000000010bfa7403 0x10bf98000 + 62467 12  libdyld.dylib                   0x00007fff86caa5fd start + 1 


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