powershell - Create new power plan -

i have found sorts of references using powershell change active power plan, , have found instructions manually creating new power plan, can't seem find using powershell automate creation of new plan. can done, , need keep looking? or not finding because can't done?

and, little context, automating setup of lab machines 3 day conference. machines come various vendors, , have no idea nor control on settings windows image going provide. laptops set power down screen @ 10-15 minutes, crazy lab, go more listening instruction, when go try need password. goal have script create new power plan settings want, , second script makes plan current user. need make work in psv2 99% of time windows 7, , not in position demand ps update. automate os install too, , eliminate few more variables, working os image get.

apparently need wrap powercfg calls in script produce power plan modification. 1 thing can call powercfg -import <file> <guid>, , can prepare file setting correct parameters on test pc , call powercfg -export given plan. create .bat file power plan export result, , call @ startup set power plan. can modify current power plan calling powercfg -x. see powercfg -? details.


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