html - Timer (HH:MM:SS) with javascript for online task -
i want implement simple timer (hh:mm:ss) calculating time spend user doing online task, timer should start when page loaded , stop when user press button submit result of task. hh: hours mm: minutes ss: seconds
code maintaining time :-
$(document).ready(function() { updateclock(); setinterval('updateclock()', 250 ); }); function updateclock ( ) { //set current time variables var currenttime = new date ( ); var currenthours = currenttime.gethours(); var currentminutes = currenttime.getminutes(); var currentseconds = currenttime.getseconds(); var currentmiliseconds = currenttime.getmilliseconds(); var rounded = currentseconds + (currentmiliseconds / maxmilisecs); //get color percentages based off time. //percentage of 255 color //percentage of 100 position rednum = (math.round(255 * ((currenthours) / maxnumhours))); rednum100 = (math.round(100 * ((currenthours) / maxnumhours))); greennum = (math.round(255 * ((currentminutes) / maxnummins))); greennum100 = (math.round(100 * ((currentminutes) / maxnummins))); bluenum = (math.round(255 * ((rounded) / maxnumsecs))); bluenum100 = (math.round(100 * ((rounded) / maxnumsecs))); //convert hex redhex = hexifywithzerolead(rednum); greenhex = hexifywithzerolead(greennum); bluehex = hexifywithzerolead(bluenum); //create hex strings var hex = "#" + redhex + greenhex + bluehex; //total hex value var fullredhex = "#"+redhex+"0000"; //red hex var fullgreenhex = "#00"+greenhex+"00"; //green hex var fullbluehex = "#0000"+bluehex; //blue hex //text indvidual color sliders jquery("#red_display").html(redhex); jquery("#green_display").html(greenhex); jquery("#blue_display").html(bluehex); //position , animate color sliders leftpos = (rednum100 * 0.01 * 575) + 25; jquery('#red_display').animate({left: leftpos}, 200); jquery('#red_display').css('background-color',fullredhex); leftpos = (greennum100 * 0.01 * 575) + 25; jquery('#green_display').animate({left: leftpos}, 200); jquery('#green_display').css('background-color',fullgreenhex); leftpos = (bluenum100 * 0.01 * 575) + 25; jquery('#blue_display').animate({left: leftpos}, 200); jquery('#blue_display').css('background-color',fullbluehex); //zerolead time display currenthours = ( currenthours < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + currenthours; currentminutes = ( currentminutes < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + currentminutes; currentseconds = ( currentseconds < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + currentseconds; //append values jquery("#clock").html("<span id='hours'>"+ currenthours + "</span>:<span id='minutes'>" + currentminutes + "</span>:<span id='seconds'>" + currentseconds + '</span>'); jquery("#hex").html(hex); //change background of page current hex color //jquery('.skin-blue .logo').css('background-color',hex); //jquery('.skin-blue .navbar').css('background-color',hex); //jquery('.skin-blue .sidebar a').css('color',hex); }
here div element
<div id="clock" style="color: white;width"><span id="hours"></span>:<span id="minutes"></span>:<span id="seconds"></span></div>
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