ios - UITableViewCell shadow disappears after scroll -

i have subclassed uitableviewcell class add shadow below cell. shadow added correctly, when tableview appears on screen. but, when scroll tableview down, , cell shadow hides above screen, shadow disappears.

- (void)layoutsubviews {     [super layoutsubviews];     if (self.shouldaddshadow) {         self.layer.shadowopacity = 0.5;         self.layer.shadowradius = 1.5;         self.layer.shadowoffset = cgsizemake(0, 3);         self.layer.shadowcolor = [[[uicolor appdarkdividercolor] colorwithalphacomponent:0.9] cgcolor];         [self setclipstobounds:no];         [self.layer setmaskstobounds:no];         cgrect shadowframe = self.layer.bounds;         cgpathref shadowpath = [uibezierpath bezierpathwithrect:shadowframe].cgpath;         self.layer.shadowpath = shadowpath;     } } 

forgot mention, have tableview static cells; prepareforreuse isn't called. have outlets cells, i've tried set shadow cell in scrollviewdidscroll: method. din't me

i encountered problem. find way make work.

it doesn't disappear(removed), been hidden.

there use property zposition of cell's layer.

from apple docs:

the default value of property 0. changing value of property changes the front-to-back ordering of layers onscreen. can affect visibility of layers frame rectangles overlap.

the value of property measured in points.

the default value 0. leads top cell hides bottom cell (say shadow). means if set shadow view make show in both sides , margin before 2 cell zero, bottom shadow of top cell show up, top shadow of bottom shadow hidden.

when cell goes out of screen , back, though zposition of each cell still 0, cells, bottom cell hides top cell now. hide direction opposite scroll direction. situation met.


cell.layer.zposition = <#value want#> 

for example, want show shadow of siblings, can set zposition of cell's layer -1, shadow of both side appear.

zposition of layer decide cell can show in front, , shows in back. z-index in css.

so solution change zposition property make work expected.

in addition, should not set cell's clipstobounds yes. (default value no)


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