objective c - Facebook iOS sdk friends list returns empty -

i using code getting facebook friend list in ios sdk 8.1.

fbrequest* friendsrequest = [fbrequest requestformyfriends]; [friendsrequest startwithcompletionhandler: ^(fbrequestconnection *connection,                               nsdictionary* result,                               nserror *error) {     nsarray* friends = [result objectforkey:@"data"];     nslog(@"found: %lu friends", (unsigned long)friends.count);     (nsdictionary<fbgraphuser>* friend in friends) {        nslog(@"i have friend named %@ id %@", friend.name, friend.objectid);      } }];  

but returns null value.

since graph api v2.0, /{user_id}/friends endpoint return friends gave app respective permission.


the /me/friends endpoint no longer includes full list of person's friends. instead, returns list of person's friends using app.


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