
Showing posts from April, 2011

sql server - GeneralDetailReportQuery key field -

we use generaldetailreportquery customer "transactions" quickbooks desktop , save them mssql table. query called passing from/to date filter params changes only. try report changes each day , keep our table in sync qb data. tranid, customer listid , trantype seem fields can uniquely identify each record returned report query. problem starts happen when users change 1 of key fields, customer listid example. must have been change of customer in transaction... ? anyway, how keep data in sync, report have kind of primary key field, not changed , can use track changes ? thanks, slava

mysql - SQL: Stacking columns by bucketed metrics -

so i'm using sql charting tool, , can't buckets of metrics reflect proportions of total in y-axis (as stacked columns) metrics in x-axis. example: metrics (x-axis values) should "job count", "visits", "apps", , "spend". each 1 should have stacked column based on following bucket of visits metrics: 1-2 visits, 3-4 visits, 5-7 visits, 8-10 visits, 11-15 visits, 16-25 visits, , 25+ visits. my query follows: select alias.grp bucket , count(alias.jobid) number_of_jobs_by_bucket , sum(alias.total_visits) visits_by_bucket , sum(alias.spend) spend_by_bucket , sum(alias.total_applications) apps_by_bucket ( select analytics.jobid , case when sum(analytics.visits) >= 1 , sum(analytics.visits) <= 2 'a: 1-2 visits' when sum(analytics.visits) > 2 , sum(analytics.visits) <= 4 'b: 3-4 visits' when sum(analytics.visits) > 4

opencv - can I create a slider in console c++ and how -

i using stereosgbm match correspondences create disparity map can create slider on window change parameters of algorithm? , note using c++ console application. if yes, how ? no, cannot. console window not made mouse input. chop little ascii art looks vaguely slider , reacts keyboard input, other that, need gui toolkit.

scope - Should variable bound in SELECT clause be accessible in ORDER BY? -

should valid sparql? select ("text" ?astring) {} order ?astring i have tried 2 different engines. 1 returns "text" ?astring, other errors, saying ?astring not defined in order by. sparql spec cover case? or implementation detail, happens work in engines, not strictly portable?'s query validator says it's legal. pretty important case, since want able things like: select ?min ?max ((?max - ?min) ?range) { #-- ... } order ?range

css - Google Maps with height=100% and margin top -

i'm coding wordpress plugin should display fullscreen google map. if logged in in wordpress, toolbar displayed @ top using margin-top. google maps apparently needs div height=100% display fullscreen map, if logged in , admin toolbar of wordpress displayed, have unnecessary scrollbars. absolute positioning not possible because of floating sidebar , mobile support. all solutions "100% margin" problems either use absolute positioning or "min-height", not working google maps. has solution me? if want full height of viewport 100vh . so remove size of bar. height: calc(100vh - 100px)

javascript - Swagger: first enum value overwrites type -

i using swagger doc generate api app. doc written in yml , in place going define props enum (we use mysql). looks like: properties: type: enum: - "first" - "second" - "example" type: "string" title: type: "string" ... // , on , on i expecting this: { "type": "string", "title": "string", } as can see, type field going string defined in config file, receiving 1 instead: { "type": "first", "title": "string", } swagger sets first value data type , absolutely incorrect. question how value "string" "type" field. i have been writing swagger documentation in json. below example of how have "enums" set up. maybe can translate yml better idea. "parameters":[ { "name":"userid",

Not able to format in jekyll -

can me code block (by prettify plugin) , headline seperated? googled lot didn't find solution. have written blog in jekyll , used prettify plugin highlight code. below configuration there in config.yml file markdown: kramdown highlighter: pygments redcarpet: extensions: ["no_intra_emphasis", "fenced_code_blocks", "autolink", "tables", "with_toc_data"] kramdown: input: gfm use_coderay: true auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo enable_coderay: false i not able post image please check below url .md file snippet i expect headlines out of code block below output of blog if want highlight code in jekyll, useless try 2 years old plugin. just use hightlight tag : {% highlight java %} import java.toto; public cla

Scrapy - How can I obtain the 'src' value for a 'script' tag -

i'm trying obtain 'src' values 'script' tags using scrapy ( ). i can no problem images: for sel in response.xpath('//img'): item = elsrc() item['src'] = sel.xpath('@src').extract() yield item sample output: {"src": [""]}, however, same thing script tag doesn't seem work: for sel in response.xpath('//script'): item = elsrc() item['src'] = sel.xpath('@src').extract() yield item sample output: {"src": []}, i confirmed manually script tags on page in question did indeed have 'src' values present. i've tried number of other approaches utilizing scrapy shell no avail. has else been able obtain 'src' values 'script' tag using scrapy, , if how did it? thanks! uggg. in horribly formatted page looking @ 'src'

xtext - visiting all nodes/subnodes of Ecore model generated by DSL -

i know basics of xtext, , have written grammar(which works fine). know ecore model generated. have problem in visiting rules/sub-rules(nodes) of grammar in ast (programmatically). whenever applying validation checks(or others) find difficult navigate particular rule on check applied. (to extent hit , trail). i want ask there way print nodes sub-nodes of grammar(programmatically) clarify in mind how each node being accessed.

c# - Is there a way to handle any type of collection, instead of solely relying on Array, List, etc? -

this example method called "writelines", takes array of strings , adds them asynchronous file writer. works, curious if there interesting way support -any- collection of strings, rather relying on programmer convert array. i came like: public void addlines(ienumerable<string> lines) { // grab queue lock (_queue) { // loop through collection , enqueue each line (int = 0, count = lines.count(); < count; i++) { _queue.enqueue(lines.elementat(i)); } } // notify thread has work do. _hasnewitems.set(); } this appears work have no idea of performance implications has, or logic implications either (what happens order? assume allow unordered collections work, e.g. hashset ). is there more accepted way achieve this? you've been passed ienumerable<string> - means can iterate on it. heck, there's language feature specifically - foreach : foreach (string line in lines) {

hdf5 - MATLAB h5write has inconsistent performance -

i'm trying use savefast function on matlab fileexchange. noticed it's performance on setup not consistent. when run below code, below times. notice on 4th run took 20x longer! there between 2 , 5 slow runs per 10, randomly distributed (sometimes 3 in row slow). variation entirely in low level h5ml.hdf5lib2 function. i've tried on 4 different machines. on 2 of them (server 2008 r2, windows 7), see wild variation below. on 2 others (server 2008, server 2012), there no variation. 2 server 2008 boxes have identical hardware, anti-virus, , nothing running on them. problem machine specific. however, boxes relatively powerful 64-bit think problem should not happening. there tricky low level setting make hdf5 work more consistently? when try using save or fwrite command instead of code below, times have little variation makes me think hdf5 specific issue. clear classes; delete('test_*.mat'); x = rand(10000, 1000); %% disp('using h5write:');

python - multi buildpack not working heroku -

i have server setup , build pack working... trying setup new server same exact way build pack isn't working correctly. the build pack using when push commit old server looks this remote: -----> fetching custom git buildpack... done remote: -----> multipack app detected remote: =====> downloading buildpack: remote: =====> detected framework: geos/gdal/proj remote: using geos version: 3.4.2 remote: using gdal version: 1.11.1 remote: using proj version: 4.8.0_1 remote: -----> vendoring geo libraries done remote: =====> downloading buildpack: remote: =====> detected framework: python remote: -----> installing dependencies pip but when push new server looks , doesn't use correct build packs ( ,

windows 7 - Unresolved external symbol __vsnprintf .... (in dxerr.lib)? -

i running directx 11 application on windows 7 , visual studio community 2015 rc. i'm still using functions dx sdk. worked fine on vs2013 when switched on following error: error lnk2019 unresolved external symbol __vsnprintf referenced in function "long __stdcall stringvprintfworkera(char *,unsigned int,unsigned int *,char const *,char *)" (?stringvprintfworkera@@ygjpadipaipbd0@z) ancora d:\moody\moody\projects\projects\ancora\ancora\dxerr.lib(dxerra.obj) 1 i use dxgeterrordescriptiona function dxerr library , when comment out, program compiles fine. have no idea what's wrong can't dx sdk or otherwise other functions fail right? i experienced same problem using dxgeterrormessage() dx9 , found out ms have provided additional library include in additional dependencies properties page address problem. library name is: legacy_stdio_definitions.lib adding resolved issue me.

forms - Disabling Autofill on <textarea> in Chrome -

has found way achieve this? i've tried adding autocomplete="off" on both <textarea> , <form> no avail. google chrome continues suggest addresses me on 1 of textareas: <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <label class="col-md-4">permanent address</label> <div class="col-md-8"> <textarea class="form-control"></textarea> </div> </div> </div> the thing can find online how stop google autofilling usernames / passwords, nothing <textarea> elements

html - Rotativa generated PDF doesn't render correctly - page break/element break -

i've been turning web upside down past hour or can't seem find solution rendering problem. i'm using rotativa (1.6.4) pdf creation library capable reproduce html threw @ 100% accuracy. why almost; because seems charts i'm converting pdf cause problems when chart doesn't fit page , should transferred next page. check screenshot more details. as can seen screenshot 1 chart overlapping happens for, me, unknown reason. i tried adding suggested page breakers without help: .page-breaker { display: block; clear: both; page-break-after: always; } wrappers around charts have following css rules: .chartcontainer { float: left; clear: both; width: 100%; height: 350px; margin: 20px auto; page-break-before: always; page-break-after: always; } not pdf generated rotativa render incorrectly, same thing goes print preview in chrome. so, problem somewhere between page breaks , css - solution still out there. any appreciated. forget

Bootstrap, how to update a Div when using <a> and data-toggle and data-target -

i new bootstrap , struggling understanding flow. looking update section when clicked. here code <li class="list-group-item"> <a data-toggle="tab" href="#tab-1"> <small class="pull-right text-muted"> 16.02.2015</small> <strong>ann smith</strong> <div class="small m-t-xs"> <p>survived not 5 centuries, leap scrambled make.</p> </div> </a> </li> i want update div tab1 content through url call. when put href="my.html", target div not update. think missing simple in bootstrap... tried data-target, did not work. any / direction / tutorial appreciated. i don't think possible out-of-the-box bootstrap. think need this: $('#tab-1').on('', function (event) { var _this = this; var button = $(event.relatedtarget); // button triggered modal var href = button.attr('href'

Pandoc escaping iframes during Markdown to HTML Convert -

i using pandoc convert markdown files html in jekyll blog. i passing these flags pandoc -t html5 --smart --section-divs --parse-raw not seem render iframe. here screenshot of produces. can point me in right direction ends being rendered correctly? here iframe in markdown file <div class="scratch-preview"> <iframe allowtransparency="true" width="485" height="402" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> <img src="space-final.png"> </div> the issue has been discussed on github . problem seems caused indentation of iframe being 4 spaces or more, causing interpreted code markdown.

Inserting rows of database into XML/XSD class C# -

summary: used xsd.exe create class off of xml template. let's suppose there's class named human 2 attributes: name(string) , id(int). table, humans, has 2 columns named name , id. i'm trying use sqldatareader read in rows of database , create human object each row. there smarter way insert each column 1 of attributes this? else, need many 'if' statements check name of each row , correlate attribute. xml class public partial class human { private string name; private int id; /// <remarks/> [system.xml.serialization.xmlattributeattribute()] public string name { { return this.namefield; } set { this.namefield = value; } } /// <remarks/> [system.xml.serialization.xmlattributeattribute()] public int id { { return thi

Android style parent chaining unexpected result -

regarding this link , tried use style chain parenting behavior isn't expect. i've written styles below <style name="headline"> <item name="android:textsize">@dimen/fontsize_headline</item> </style> <style name="white_text"> <item name="android:textcolor">@color/poinila_post_background</item> </style> <style name="west_side"> <item name="android:background">@color/west_side</item> </style> <style name="west_side.headline"></style> <style name="west_side.headline.white_text"> what expect yellowish button white text , headline text size textcolor , textsize unchanged. my question is : doing right thing , thing right? what's reason misbehavior? multiple parents not allowed in styles. what you've done here <style name="west_side.headline.white_text"/> - Access database in VB2013 Community -

i'm little confused on way vb handles access databases in project. can set me straight, please? the original db in project folder. it's understanding setting property "copy if newer" copy database debug/bin folder when run debug, changes made tables directly access interface recognized , reflected in copied version. seems not happening completely. i opened db in access , added 2 fields table. opened vb project , looked in server explorer see if table did in fact show new fields. did. however, when open form has table bound dgv on form, fields not show up. i looked @ dgv properties, columns/collection , 2 new fields show there either. i'm confused why show in server explorer not elsewhere. perhaps comes down way vb recognizes or doesn't recognize change has been made db in projects folder. thought in mind changed db properties "copy always" still fields don't show. changed "copy if newer" , again fields not visible @ form

Disable pagination animation for javafx 8 -

i trying convert solution stackoverflow thread: disable pagination animation it complicated javafx 8 because utils , other classes skinbase have changed different arguments. does have working example pagination animation disabled javafx8 ? ok, did it! using gabriel féron answer : i've translated javafx8: first create -fx-skin on css of scene want disable pagination animation: .pagination { -fx-border-color: #0e5d79; -fx-skin: ""; } then: use following attached class instead of original paginationskin. can't attach class here has 5000+ lines. can ?

TextWatcher in Android -

i have edittext having maximum supporting character of 10. want when type count should decrement , on backspace count should increment..... private static textview messagecount=null; messagecount=(textview) findviewbyid(; mmessagefield.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() { @override public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int before, int count) { } @override public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @override public void aftertextchanged(editable s) { if(count>0) { count--; messagecount.settext("count=>"+count); //toast.maketext(mcontext, "count=>"+count, toast.length_long).show(); } } }); try this: @override public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int bef

oracle - Glassfish 3 Connection Pool throws java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933 -

iam using glassfish 3 server run web service. connection pool implemented in server , able ping database. connection received server throwing java.sql.sqlsyntaxerrorexception: ora-00933: sql command not ended exception while running preparedstatement. glassfish 4 not throw exception the query taken property file query=select * table systemid=?1 using 2 seperate java classes receiving connection , further processing public static connection connectionfromconnectionpool() throws namingexception, sqlexception { context initctx = new initialcontext(); datasource datasource = (datasource) initctx.lookup(propertyfilereader .getpropertyvalue("")); connection connection = (connection) datasource.getconnection(); if (connection != null) {"received connection"); } else {"no connection received"); }

vba - How do I use 2 ranges in Excel -

here code, works when use 1 range if use 2 or more not work. dont know how fix code. appreciated function customaverage(rng range) dim cell range, suma double, sk double, double, vidurkis double, max double, dup double, dupp double, down double, downn double, text1 string suma = 0 each cell in rng suma = suma + cell.value sk = sk + 1 next cell vidurkis = suma / sk max = 0 each cell in rng if max < cell.value max = cell.value end if next cell max = max min = max each cell in rng if min > cell.value min = cell.value end if next cell min = min dupp = 0 dup = 0 sk = 0 each cell in rng if vidurkis < cell.value dupp = dupp + cell.value sk = sk + 1 end if next cell dup = dupp / sk downn = 0 down = 0 sk = 0 each cell in rng if vidurkis > cell.value downn = downn + cell.value sk = sk + 1 end if next cell down = downn / sk text1 = "v=" & cstr(vidurkis) & " min=" & c

c++ - How to test casting time? -

in assignment, have been asked create own static_cast , dynamic_cast using templates specialization. how test static casts done compile-time , dynamic casts on run-time? template<typename dst, typename src> static dst my_static_cast(src src); template<typename dst, typename src> static dst my_dynamic_cast(src src); not full answer consider this: class d { public: virtual ~d(){} }; class : public d{}; class b{}; now dynamic_cast<b*>(new a()) compiles ok (and returns 0) static_cast<b*>(new a()) results in compilation error. i'm sure can sfinae make appropriate test. of course, test assumes need differentiate between 100% standard-compliant static_cast , 100% standard-compliant dynamic_cast. detecting bugs in implementation additional tests needed. edit: cannot test automatically. casts require runtime arguments , cannot tested @ compile time. and, @ runtime, difference between compile-time calculated thing , runtime-calculated th

java - Drools 6.x Workbench cannot be deployed to tomcat in windows- no resource registered with uniqueName 'jdbc/jbpm' -

i cannot start drools 6.2 in tomcat (version 7.x) windows. working fine in linux machine. in windows keep getting following error caused by: org.hibernate.service.jndi.jndiexception: unable lookup jndi name [java:comp/env/jdbc/jbpm] @ org.hibernate.service.jndi.internal.jndiserviceimpl.locate( @ org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.datasourceconnectionproviderimpl.configure( @ org.hibernate.service.internal.standardserviceregistryimpl.configureservice( @ org.hibernate.service.internal.abstractserviceregistryimpl.initializeservice( @ org.hibernate.service.internal.abstractserviceregistryimpl.getservice( @ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.jdbcservicesimpl.buildjdbcconnectionaccess( @ org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.jdbcservicesimpl.configur

c++ - How can I make Doxygen aware of CUDA kernel calls? -

i'm trying document project written in cuda c using doxygen. documentation works fine. caller graphs not include kernel calls in gpu_foo<<<1,1>>>() . for example, in simple example: #include<stdio.h> /*! * @brief global hello foo */ __global__ void global_hello(void){ printf("hello\n"); } /*! * @brief cpu hello foo */ void hello(void){ printf("hello\n"); } /*! * @brief main */ int main(){ hello(); global_hello<<<1,1>>>(); return 0; } with corresponding doxyfile: project_name = test project_numer = 2.1 output_language = english extract_all = yes file_patterns = *.cpp *.h *.c *.cu recursive = no pdf_hyperlinks = yes use_pdflatex = yes have_dot = yes call_graph = yes caller_graph = yes when looking @ generated documentation call graph looks this: main -----> hello instead of desired: ------> global_hello / main \ ------> hello how can make doxygen awar

c# - ApplicationUser DbContext Merge with My DBcontext -

i have application that, have realised, stupidly has 2 separate dbcontexts , need merged in order allow relationships between application entities , applicationuser entity. along development of application believe reference applicationuser within other classes has created tables applicationuser entity on dbcontext, whilst on different connection string , context exists tables aspuseridentity ect. i have tried remove original context , merge 2 contexts when trying create migration wants rename existing applicationuser tables in current context aspuseridentity ect (see below) how can merge contexts or there solution? i'm not sure post try post feel relevant , if needs further information feel free request it. this code after attempted merge. (using guide in 1 of answer question : merge mydbcontext identitydbcontext ) my context has following tables: applicationusers identityroles identityuserclaims identityuserlogins identityuserroles the original context ha

php - Filter Placeholders with Yii2 -

does know how implement placeholder or tooltip on gridview filter of yii2 framework? need stands out user let them know textbox in fact search filter. look forward hearing responses. placeholder realized this: <?= gridview::widget([ 'dataprovider' => $dataprovider, 'filtermodel' => $searchmodel, 'columns' => [ [ 'attribute' => 'name', 'filterinputoptions' => [ 'class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'type in characters...' ] ], ['class' => 'yii\grid\actioncolumn' ], ], ]); ?> class should provided, though not must - default styling class. setting globally the way found in config/web.php used application configuration: $config = [ ... 'on beforerequest' => function ($event) {

convert nvarchar to smalldatetime in sql server -

i have 1 table in nvarchar data there. table 18-feb-11 20-feb-11 pm 23-sep-10 08-oct-10 pm i want convert field small date time in sql server 2008 r2 how can convert it. expected output: 2011-02-18 10:29:52 2011-02-20 16:10:40 2010-09-23 10:34:57 2010-10-08 21:41:16 try please declare @s_date nvarchar(100)= '18-feb-11 am' select convert(nvarchar(100),cast(replace(replace(@s_date, substring(@s_date, 19, 10),''),'.',':') datetime), 120) result : 2011-02-18 10:29:52

node.js - Modify image obtained from loopback-component-storage -

i using loopback storing image server . i want modify file name of file before getting saved server. also want convert thumbnail form before getting saved. here how doing. at client side upload.upload( { url: '/api/containers/container_name/upload', file: file, filename: "demoimage.jpg", //additional data file params:{ orderid: 1, customerid: 1 } }); at server side receiving query "params" not getting "file name" my storage model name container container.beforeremote('upload', function(ctx, modelinstance, next) { //ouptuts: {orderid:1, customerid:1]} console.log(ctx.req.query); //now want change file name of file. //but not getting how next(); }) how change file name of file getting saved @ server? i figured out. we have define custom function getfilename in boot/configure-storage.js . suppose datasource loopback-component-storage pre

r - How could I deploy a shiny app created using shinyApp() via shinyapps::deployApp( )? -

i want deploy (to web) application made in r/shiny call shinyapp() function. it possible make app call shinyapp() follows: test_app = shinyapp( ui = fluidpage( numericinput("n", "n", 1), plotoutput("plot") ), server = function(input, output) { output$plot <- renderplot( plot(head(cars, input$n)) ) } ) this retuns object represents app , app can run printing object. wish deploy app made using shinyapps::deployapp( test_app) gives me following error: error in shinyapps::deployapp(test_app) : appdir must single element character vector this because deployapp function expecting directory not shinyapp object. presumably information build , therefore deploy app contained in test_app object, inspecting object not reveal much, , seems same app create: > str(test_app) list of 4 $ httphandler :function (req) $ serverfuncsource:function () $ onstart : null $ options : list

javascript - Structuring templates in an AngularJS SPA - are there performance issues when using ng-include a lot? -

i wondering best way structure templates in angularjs spa. far have kind of rails approach, i'm not sure if idea. what mean example have /js/app/views/partials folder have snippets of html used in different places. form or preview of content, used on app. structure because let's have comment form appears in 5 different places , want add field: changing 1 file rather 5 better. i example have /js/app/views/home.html template, referenced ui-router , loaded in ui-view in /index.html serves layout. /js/app/routes.js mymodule.config([ '$stateprovider', '$urlrouterprovider', '$locationprovider', function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, $locationprovider) { $stateprovider .state('home', { url: '/', templateurl: '/js/app/views/home.html', controller: 'mainctrl', resolve: { // resolve code } }); } ]); /index.html <!doctype html>

javascript - I need to inject a Tealium code in below attached comment.js file -

following code needs inserted in comment.js file (function(a,b,c,d){ a='//'; b=document;c='script';d=b.createelement(c);d.src=a;d.type='text/java'+c;d.async=true; a=b.getelementsbytagname(c)[0];a.parentnode.insertbefore(d,a); })(); following below comment.js file code (function() { /** * "slides" comment form in , out of view * * @method togglecommentform * @param {event} e event object */ function togglecommentform(e) { var activityitem = ajs.$('div.activity-item'), form = activityitem.find('form.activity-item-comment-form'); e.preventdefault(); if (!form.length) { form = buildcommentform(e, activityitem); form.appendto(activityitem); } if (':visible')) { form.slideup(function() { form.trigger('contentresize.streams').removeclass('

jquery - Cloning of rows and columns from the old table into the new with colSpan and rowSpan -

i using clone jquery. necessary clone gray area in new table. problem cloned rows , columns can has rowspan , colspan. the gray area intersection data-fix-cols , data-fix-rows. my solution not work: <table id="old-table" data-fix-cols='3' data-fix-rows='4'> <tbody> <tr> <td class="gray">clone me</td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2" class="gray">clone me</td> <td>ashgabat</td> <td>barcelona</td> <td>berlin</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3" class="gray">clone me</td> <td>bucharest</td> <td>warsaw</td> <td>washington</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="gray">clone me</td>

docker exec does not open bash -

[root@localhost byo-atomic]# docker ps container id image command created status ports names 6c2b1159671e root/atomicrepo:latest "/" 21 minutes ago 21 minutes 80/tcp,>8000/tcp atomicrepo [root@localhost byo-atomic]# docker exec -it atomicrepo bash [root@localhost byo-atomic]# docker logs atomicrepo passing arguments httpd using apachectl no longer supported. can start/stop/restart httpd using script. if want pass arguments httpd, edit /etc/sysconfig/httpd config file. ah00558: httpd: not reliably determine server's qualified domain name, using set 'servername' directive globally suppress message

jquery - table cell background color change with checkbox -

$('#selectall1').click(function(event) { if (this.checked) { $('.first').each(function() { this.checked = true; }); $('.second').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); $('.third').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); } else { $('.first').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); } }); $('#selectall2').click(function(event) { if (this.checked) { $('.second').each(function() { this.checked = true; }); $('.first').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); $('.third').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); } else { $('.second').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); } }); $('#selectall3').click(function(event) { if (this.checked) { $('.third').each(function() { this.checked = true; }

Eclipse - quicker "compare with each other" -

i using eclipse kepler , want to: quickly compare 2 files (key binding great) ...with identical names different projects ...within same workspace now, process know consists in: selecting both files in file explorer right-click ing 1 of them "compare with..." "each other" (see here ). this works fine, of course. however, it's incredibly tedious when you're dealing large projects - scroll , down package list until find right files. it helps link editor file explorer, , ctrl-shift-r both files before, package trees open , 1 of file's selected, that's not quick enough. i tried "select" files ctrl-shift-click ing tabs in editor, hoping select both in file explorer, no luck. is there feature or workaround don't know about, speed up? if files have same name, search files ( search -> file... ). leave 'containing text' blank , specify (part of) name of files. both files appear in sea

angularjs - AWS Cognito Invalid login token error with my token from Developer authentication -

i want put object aws s3 directly browser on angular js. this, use cognito developer authentication. got cognito identity id , token rails server. with token(i think valid), put action rejected aws s3 : invalid login token. i don't know why.. here code. aws.config.region = 'us-east-1'; aws.config.credentials = new aws.cognitoidentitycredentials({ accountid: '0000', identitypoolid: 'us-east-1:0000-0000-0000', rolearn: 'arn:aws:iam::0000:role/myrolename', logins: { '': 'token cognito.get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity' } }); var bucket = new aws.s3({ params: { region: 'ap-northeast-1', bucket: 'my bucket name' }}); (0000 parts sample) wonder there no space 'identity_id' cognito.get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity. config regioin , s3 region different because use tokyo s3 n.virginia cognito. ++ added s3 full access managed policies in role(