windows 7 - Unresolved external symbol __vsnprintf .... (in dxerr.lib)? -

i running directx 11 application on windows 7 , visual studio community 2015 rc. i'm still using functions dx sdk. worked fine on vs2013 when switched on following error:

error   lnk2019 unresolved external symbol __vsnprintf referenced in function "long __stdcall stringvprintfworkera(char *,unsigned int,unsigned int *,char const *,char *)" (?stringvprintfworkera@@ygjpadipaipbd0@z)   ancora  d:\moody\moody\projects\projects\ancora\ancora\dxerr.lib(dxerra.obj)    1 

i use dxgeterrordescriptiona function dxerr library , when comment out, program compiles fine. have no idea what's wrong can't dx sdk or otherwise other functions fail right?

i experienced same problem using dxgeterrormessage() dx9 , found out ms have provided additional library include in additional dependencies properties page address problem. library name is: legacy_stdio_definitions.lib

adding resolved issue me.


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