ios - How to check which Application the user came from after tapping a link (Associated Domains) of my App? -

so i'm developing app (ios 9) , set associated domains allows app opened directly when user taps link app.

after tapping link , app opened, new button appears on status bar allows user go previous app, this:
enter image description here

i'm catching action (launching via link) using:

- (bool)application:(nonnull uiapplication *)application continueuseractivity:(nonnull nsuseractivity *)useractivity restorationhandler:(nonnull void (^)(nsarray * __nullable))restorationhandler {     if ([useractivity.activitytype isequaltostring:nsuseractivitytypebrowsingweb]) {         nsurl *weburl = useractivity.webpageurl;         nslog(@"%@", weburl.absolutestring);     }     return yes; } 

is there way access information (the previous app, messages in case) nsuseractivity or similar?

there nothing in apis lets way thinking , not possible messages app. app links 1 way. of ios 9, apple has provided method go previous app, all.


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