python - Django - User Profile field won't change after form submit -

i'm trying have part of user profile change after form submitted. user profile has discipline field, , want user able modify it. when click submit now, nothing changes.

i beginner @ django, sure minor fix. i've been trying work past few days.

@login_required def change_discipline(request):     context = requestcontext(request)     if request.method == 'post':     #     #create form instance , populate data request         form = disciplinechoiceform(         if form.is_valid():              #process data in form.clean_data             discipline = discipline(name=form.cleaned_data['discipline'])             request.user.profile.primarydiscipline = discipline                   return render_to_response('changediscipline.html', { 'form': form }, context) else:     form = disciplinechoiceform(  return render_to_response('changediscipline.html', {'form': form}, context ) user profile

class userprofile(models.model):     #this line required. links myuser user model     user = models.onetoonefield(user, related_name ="profile") #additional attributes wish include date_of_birth = models.floatfield(blank=false) phone = models.charfield(max_length=10, blank = true) city = models.charfield(max_length=40, blank = true) state = models.charfield(max_length=2, blank = true) zipcode = models.charfield(max_length=5, blank = true) admin = models.booleanfield(default=false, blank = true) mentor = models.booleanfield(default=false, blank = true) mentee = models.booleanfield(default=false, blank = true) # profilepicture = models.imagefield() #is_staff = true tagline = models.charfield(max_length=70, blank = true, default="let's this!") interests = models.manytomanyfield(interest, related_name="interest", symmetrical = false) primarydiscipline = models.foreignkey(discipline, default=false, blank = true) addtldisciplines = models.manytomanyfield(discipline, related_name="disciplines", symmetrical=false) 


<div class = "container">   <h1>choose discipline in {{interest}}</h1>   <form action="{% url 'myapp:change_discipline'  %}" method="post" id="discipline-select">     {% csrf_token %}     {{ form }}     <input type="submit" value="submit" />   </form>     <!-- {% csrf_token %}     <select id="id_interest" name="discipline">       <option disabled selected> -- select option -- </option>       {% d in disciplines %}       <option value={{}}>{{}}</option>       {% endfor %}     </select>     <input type="submit" value="load disciplines"/>   </form> --> </div>

class disciplinechoiceform(forms.form): def __init__(self, interest, *args, **kwargs):     super(disciplinechoiceform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)     self.fields['discipline'] = forms.choicefield(choices = [(, str(o)) o in discipline.objects.all()]) 

ok should have read better. first problem:

# creates unsaved discipline instance discipline = discipline(name=form.cleaned_data['discipline']) # , assign request.user.profile request.user.profile.primarydiscipline = discipline 

since profile.primary_discipline allows nulls, call doesn't raise integrityerror, nothing happens indeed.

now didn't post disciplinechoiceform don't know form.cleaned_data['discipline'] points to, that's not going work - want actual (saved) discipline instance.

if form's discipline field forms.choicefield , has (id, name) tuples choices, form.cleaned_data['discipline'] yield discipline id, , you'll correct discipline instance discipline.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['discipline']):

discipline = discipline.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['discipline']) request.user.profile.primarydiscipline = discipline 

but might better using forms.modelchoicefield instead directly return selected discipline instance in case can simplify code to:

discipline = form.cleaned_data['discipline'] request.user.profile.primarydiscipline = discipline 


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