mysqli - Would this PHP inserting be secure? -

this question has answer here:

i've been working on little script insert data database i'm not sure if it's secure way. feedback pretty cool! question, secure way of inserting data?


function dbrowinsert($table, $data) {    require_once('../');       $builddata = null;      $countloop = 1;       foreach($data $field) {           $sep = ($countloop!=count($data) ? ',' : '') ;       if((int)$field == $field) {         $builddata .= (int)$field . $sep;       } else {         $builddata .= '"' .mysqli_real_escape_string((string)$field) . '"' . $sep;       }       $countloop++;      }     $fields = array_keys($data);     mysqli_query($conn, "insert into" . $table . "(`" . implode('`, `', $fields) . "`)                         values('" . $builddata . "')"); } 

the best way use object-oriented style. that's first. second use methods

prepare(), bind(), execute() 

instead of



read in manual, it's simple , find useful , safety.


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