spring - Creating custom Zuul filters -

i want implement custom filters zuul proxy. now, know there has been lot of talking subject here , took @ answer provided, examples of filters , spring cloud documentation, went through several times. have tried copy of filters content use, didn't work.

i have eureka server, registering 3 separate services, 1 of them being front door other two, collecting information each of them , retrieving it.

what want able re-route requests zuul receives @ beginning of process, redirect them through particular services, using url parameters determine process should aimed instead of another. have created filter tagged @component annotation, implementing zuulfilter. don't know, how make redirections work, , methods use.

so, question : how can redirect incoming requests different registered services, using url parameters ?

look @ predecorationfilter example matches routes based on url path (ie /myservice). if matches full url sets routehost in ribbon context, otherwise sets serviceid (which use ribbon route). need write similar match on parameter instead.


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