ehcache - How to configure Jcache with Ecache as Provider in Spring application-context.xml? -

spring documentation provides below information.

<bean id="cachemanager"    class="org.springframework.cache.jcache.jcachecachemanager"    p:cache-manager-ref="jcachemanager"/>  <!-- jsr-107 cache manager setup  --> <bean id="jcachemanager" .../> 

i want know how configure jcachemanager bean (with ehcache provider) in spring application context xml.

i have configured dependency, below, in pom.xml fine.

<dependency>     <groupid>org.ehcache</groupid>     <artifactid>jcache</artifactid>     <version>1.0.1</version>     <exclusions>         <exclusion>             <artifactid>slf4j-api</artifactid>             <groupid>org.slf4j</groupid>         </exclusion>     </exclusions> </dependency>  

it depends how want configure it. if you're using spring boot 1.3, automatically created you. maybe have source of jcachecacheconfiguration?

you can retrieve default javax.cache.cachemanager via caching.getcachingprovider().getcachemanager()


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