powershell - Text extraction and reformatting for output -

i have text file "e:\abc.txt" contains data in format

heading asia  name china  val 200  drt fun , play end  heading europe  name paris  val 234234  drt tour end  heading america  name ny  val 234  drt shop end  [continued this..] 

i create new text file "xyz.txt" extract selected headings , drt in following format.

heading    drt asia       fun , play europe     tour 

i have tried following script:

$source e:\abc.txt  $search "asia","europe" $a = select-string $source -pattern $search -context (0,3) 


heading asia name china val 200 drt fun , play heading europe name paris val 234234 

how remove in between lines

heading   - drt asia      - fun , play europe    - tour 

whipped since have @ least been trying something. hope not go on head uses regular expressions break file "sections" converts each section own object. advantage being can filter using command powershell cmdlets where-object. not terse said wanted whip easier follow.

$path = "e:\abc.txt" $headingstomatch = "asia","europe"  (get-content $path | out-string) -split "end" | where-object{$_ -match "\w"} | foreach-object{     $hash = $_.trim() -split "`r`n" -replace "^\s+" -replace "^(.*?)\s",'$1=' | out-string | convertfrom-stringdata     new-object -typename pscustomobject -property $hash } | where-object{$headingstomatch -contains $_.heading} | select-object heading,drt 

using above text file this.

heading drt          ------- ---          asia    fun , play europe  tour   

now can export file easy using export-csv.


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