apache - Permission denied for loging using django mod_wsgi when running multiple domains -

i'm running 2 local domains under 1 apache installation virualhost following.

<virtualhost *:80> wsgidaemonprocess staging python-path=/var/www/staging/src/ipinfra/ipinfra:/var/www/staging/lib/python3.4/site-packages wsgiprocessgroup staging ... </virtualhost>   <virtualhost *:80> wsgidaemonprocess ipinfra python-path=/var/www/dev/src/ipinfra/ipinfra:/var/www/dev/lib/python3.4/site-packages wsgiprocessgroup ipinfra ... </virtualhost> 

everything works fine staging environment not able to write log logs folder.
both application have same permission , same code staging unable write code.

django app running under user ipinfra , member of group apache

logs folder has permission of 766 , log file has 777 permission on both setup.


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