java - How to set the minimum height and icon with of a text menu or context menu item? -

i use big icons in text menus in swing. icons cause menu row expand if icon set menu item. leads inhomogeneous position of following label , different distance between menu items if there menu items without icons or icons of smaller size.

i may now:

  • resize icons
  • insert empty, transparent icons menu items without icon
  • ?

are there other ways set minimum size of menu items icon spacer icon-less menu items in text menus?

best practice add empty/transparent icons menu items w/o icons. can merge icons (to create sames width/height) method:

private static icon mergeicons(icon icon1, icon icon2, int x, int y, component c) {     int w = 0, h = 0;     if (icon1 != null) {         w = icon1.geticonwidth();         h = icon1.geticonheight();     }     if (icon2 != null) {         w = icon2.geticonwidth()  + x > w ? icon2.geticonwidth()   + x : w;         h = icon2.geticonheight() + y > h ? icon2.geticonheight()  + y : h;     }     if (w < 1) w = 16;     if (h < 1) h = 16;      java.awt.image.colormodel model = java.awt.graphicsenvironment.getlocalgraphicsenvironment ().                                       getdefaultscreendevice ().getdefaultconfiguration ().                                       getcolormodel (java.awt.transparency.bitmask);     java.awt.image.bufferedimage buffimage = new java.awt.image.bufferedimage (model,          model.createcompatiblewritableraster (w, h), model.isalphapremultiplied (), null); g = buffimage.creategraphics ();     if (icon1 != null) {         icon1.painticon(c, g, 0, 0);     }     if (icon2 != null) {         icon2.painticon(c, g, x, y);     }     g.dispose();      return new imageicon(buffimage); } 


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