sendto - How can I send a text information to a servlet that creates a text file containing it? -

i created ajax app should send text info tomcat server, , there should have servlet in theory should text , save in file.

i created app gets content of text area , transforms json , send tomcat server, there should have servlet receives , save json text file, i'm not sure on how install/deploy servlet in server, plus , don't know how make communicate ajax. can conduct me , me through it?

thanks in advance.

my "servlet"

package servletpackage;  import; import; import;  public class servlet {  static string position = "that json info should here";     public static void main(string[] args) throws filenotfoundexception, unsupportedencodingexception {         printwriter writer = new printwriter("positions.txt", "utf-8");         writer.println(position);         writer.close();      }  } 

my app "it's more complicated this, easier comprehension of idea created example. that's why i'm talking json, though in example transforming text json doesn't make sense"

$(function() {    alert("file has been succesfully sent");    var data = new formdata();    var cssdata = $("#custom-css-text").val();    data.append("custom_css", cssdata);    $.ajax({      url: 'myserver',      type: 'post',      data: data,      cache: false,      datatype: 'json',      processdata: false,      contenttype: false,      success: function(response) {        alert("file has been succesfully sent");      },      error: function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) {        alert('errors: ' + textstatus);      }    });    });
<!doctype html>  <html>    <head>    <title>html5, css3 , javascript demo</title>    <script src=""></script>  </head>    <body>      <textarea id="custom-css-text">testing</textarea>    </body>    </html>


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