node.js - Why cant parse JSON from file? -
we have empty json file want write new json objects in file, , array of json objects (and after append new jsons array 'push') write file incoming json object:
fs.writefilesync(tasks, updatedjsonstr, encoding='utf8');
updatedjsonstr = json.stringify({"iscompleted":false,"task":"dfgdfg","date":"25.06.2015"});
so in file see added object. after file our json objects:
tasksjsonobj = json.parse(fs.readfilesync("tasks.json", "utf-8"));
append new json object string , write again:
updatedjsonstr = json.stringify(tasksjsonobj) + ',' + json.stringify(newjsontask);
fs.writefilesync(tasks, updatedjsonstr, encoding='utf8'); see 2 json objects in file. !but when try read file 2 json objects - got error when reading json file ([syntaxerror: unexpected token ,]):
try{ tasksjsonobj = json.parse(fs.readfilesync(tasks, "utf-8")); console.log('aaaaa' + json.stringify(tasksjsonobj)); return true; }catch (err) { console.log("its not ok!"); console.log(err); return false; }
your json formation wrong,
{"iscompleted":false,"task":"dfgdfg","date":"25.06.2015"}, {"newiscompleted":false,"task":"dfgdfg","date":"25.06.2015"}
this after concat 2 json stringify, invalid.
your json should
[ {"iscompleted":false,"task":"dfgdfg","date":"25.06.2015"}, {"newiscompleted":false,"task":"dfgdfg","date":"25.06.2015"} ]
for can this
var tasks = []; tasks.push( {"iscompleted":false,"task":"dfgdfg","date":"25.06.2015"}) );
so update jsonstr be
updatedjsonstr = json.stringify( tasks );
again if want append new json string, can this
tasksjsonobj = json.parse(fs.readfilesync("tasks.json", "utf-8")); tasksjsonobj.push( newjsontask );
and stringify , write file.
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