Is there any way to read one image row/column into an array in Python? -

i've translated ct reconstruction software idl python, , first experience ever python. code works fine except it's much, slower. due, in part, fact idl allows me save memory , time reading in 1 row of image @ time, using following:

image = read_tiff(filename, sub_rect = [0, slice, x, 1]) 

i need read 1 row each 1800 different projection images, far can tell can create image array reading in entire image , converting array. there trick read in 1 row start, since don't need other 2047 rows?

it looks christoph gohlke ( can job.

from tiffile import tifffile  tifffile('test.tiff') tif:     page in tif:         image = page.asarray(memmap=true)         print image[0,:,:] 

if interpret code correctly extract first row of every page in file without loading whole file memory (through numpy.memmap).


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