node.js - npm path and installation issues - suggestions -

i have used install nodejs on d:\ drive instead of c , have set environment variables d drive node & npm folders.

then changed npm installation path "prefix=d:\node\node_modules\npm " on "npmrc" file. confirm user based modules pointing on d drive npm folder instead of appdata.

i tried install express js globally , used check package tree on cli mentioned below, npm ll -g

while trying command getting npm extraneous err,

enter image description here

please suggest me way have use npm path , installation stuffs.

thanks in advance.

it might seem idea install packages globally, 1 great reason not to.

often used packages express, , cookies should kept local package. because of versioning issues. might have 1 package using express2, new 1 wants use express3. have trouble if global install. when in doubt leave off -g, , use --save instead. (this adds package npm dependencies list.)

on other hand, command line tools mocha, yeoman, , uh not else know of should installed -g flag.

i'm not of windows person, you'll have little yourself, recommend not installing node hand, instead using version manager nvm stuff. here's nvm port windows:


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