python - Access response from spider in items pipeline in scrapy -

i have spider

class productsspider(scrapy.spider):     name = "products"     allowed_domains = [""]     start_urls = [         ''     ]      def parse(self, response): 

and have pipeline class

class productsdatapipeline(object):     """ item pipeline products data crawler """      def process_item(self, item, spider):            return item 

but want response argument of parse function in parse_item function without setting attribute item object,is possible

no it's not possible.

responses not forwarded pipelines. either have store response in item or use external storage store response , fetch in pipeline. second option better, , avoids many problems can result storing response in item (e.g. memory problems). example save response form of storage in parse callback, save reference storage in item field, , fetch response storage in pipeline.

but depends on trying do, response available in spider middleware process_spider_output perhaps can use instead of processing item in pipeline.


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