c++ - Overload resolution and partial template ordering -

consider simple pair of function templates.

template <typename t> void foo(t& ) { std::cout << __pretty_function__ << '\n'; }  template <typename c> void foo(const c& ) { std::cout << __pretty_function__ << '\n'; } 

if call foo non-const argument:

int = 4; foo(i); 

the t& overload preferred based on [over.ics.rank]/3.2.6, since deduced reference int& less cv-qualified deduced reference const int&.

however, if call foo const argument:

const int ci = 42; foo(ci); 

the const c& overload preferred because "more specialized" based on [over.match.best]/1.7. rules determine this? understanding synthesize type c (call it, m) , try perform deduction on foo(m) - succeed (with t == m). it's rvalue cause deduction fail - how compiler know has choose rvalue in synthesis step?

disclaimer: types consider types of parameters. types/value categories/etc. of actual arguments passed solely considered in overload resolution, never in partial ordering.

partial ordering considers both overloads in 2 "turns", in 1 template parameter template, , other template argument template. [temp.deduct.partial]/2:

for each of templates involved there original function type , transformed function type. [..] deduction process uses transformed type argument template , original type of other template parameter template. process done twice each type involved in partial ordering comparison: once using transformed template-1 argument template , template-2 parameter template , again using transformed template-2 argument template , template-1 parameter template.

you should familiar way transformed "templates" generated. specified in §

to produce transformed template, each type, non-type, or template template parameter (including template parameter packs (14.5.3) thereof) synthesize unique type, value, or class template respectively , substitute each occurrence of parameter in function type of template.

so our (transformed) argument templates

void foo( unique1& );  void foo( unique2 const& ); 

[temp.deduct.partial]/3 & /4:

the types used determine ordering depend on context in partial ordering done:

  • in context of function call, types used function parameter types function call has arguments. [..]

each type nominated above parameter template , corresponding type argument template used types of p , a.

thus have 2 turns, , in both have type p , type a:

turn 1:
    p1:   t const&
    a1:   unique1&

turn 2:
    p2:   t&
    a2:   unique2 const&

but before fun begins, transformations performed on these types - abbreviated [temp.deduct.partial]/5 & /7:

  • if p or a references, they're replaced type refer to.
  • any top-level cv-qualifiers removed.

note removed cv-qualifiers "remembered" later. [temp.deduct.partial]/6:

if both p , a reference types (before being replaced type referred above), determine of 2 types (if any) more cv-qualified other; otherwise types considered equally cv-qualified partial ordering purposes. result of determination used below.

thus we're left

turn 1:
    p1:   t
    a1:   unique1

turn 2:
    p2:   t
    a2:   unique2

now perform deduction - succeeds in both turns setting t=unique[1/2]. [temp.deduct.partial]/8:

if deduction succeeds given type, type argument template considered @ least specialized type parameter template.

that gives both unique1& @ least specialized t const&, , unique2 const& @ least specialized t&.

however, [temp.deduct.partial]/(9.2) steps in:

if, given type, deduction succeeds in both directions (i.e., types identical after transformations above) , both p , a reference types (before being replaced type referred above):

  • [..]; otherwise,

  • if type argument template more cv-qualified type parameter template (as described above), parameter type not considered @ least specialized argument type.

the remembered cv-qualifiers come play. a2 "more cv-qualified (as described above)" p2, hence p2 not considered @ least specialized a2.

finally, [temp.deduct.partial]/10:

function template f @ least specialized function template g if, each pair of types used determine ordering, type f @ least specialized type g.
f more specialized g if f @ least specialized g , g not @ least specialized f.

implies since type t& not @ least specialized unique2 const& , established t const& @ least specialized unique1&, t const&-overload more specialized t&-overload.

the aforementioned rule in paragraph 9 subject of cwg #2088 created 4 months ago r. smith:

the late tiebreakers lvalue-vs-rvalue references , cv-qualification in [temp.deduct.partial] paragraph 9 applied

if, given type, deduction succeeds in both directions (i.e., types identical after transformations above) , both p , a reference types (before being replaced type referred above):

however, based on false assumption. [..] need decide whether rule “deduction succeeds in both directions” or “the types identical.” latter seems more reasonable.

this not alter result established though, since types got indeed identical.


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