javascript - FullCalendar total count for each day -

i have show total count of events each day in full calendar. conditions, count next month's day shown in current month.

please me required condition. have seen other posts too. in vain

this current code:

head .js( lib_path + 'lib/jquery-ui.min.js', 'lib/fullcalendar.min.js', function() {     $('#calendar_container',el).fullcalendar({              events: '/core/api/events',      eventrender: function (event, element, view) {          if(view.) {             var year = event.start.getfullyear(), month = event.start.getmonth() + 1, date = event.start.getdate();         }         var result = year + '-' + (month < 10 ? '0' + month : month) + '-' + (date < 10 ? '0' + date : date);         $(element).addclass(result);         var ele = $('.fc-day'+ date +''),count=$('.' + result).length;         $(ele).find('.viewmore').remove();         $('.fc-event').hide();         //var eve= $('.fc-event');//.hide();         f ( count> 0) {             $(ele).find('.fc-day-number').after('<small class="viewmore" style="color:blue;" onmouseout="noshow(this)" onmouseover="showevents(this,'+event.start.gettime()+','+event.end.gettime()+')">'+ count+'<div class="eventshow"></div></small>');          }      }     }); }); 


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