CS:GO item value - Which API do they use? -

i looking api, can check current value of item. love use http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/ unfortunately don't have api. sent them email, no response them yet.

i have following stuff item in inventory:

"1074182396_188530139": {     "appid": "730",     "classid": "1074182396",     "instanceid": "188530139",     "market_hash_name": "desert eagle | bronze deco (field-tested)", 

for instance, if wanted check current market value of desert eagle | bronze deco (field-tested), can use steam's own api check market value: http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=1&appid=730&market_hash_name=desert%20eagle%20|%20bronze%20deco%20(field-tested)

simply giving variable market_hash_name name of item, can check "starting from" price on market. works great, there's issue... when item has value of on $400 (or close that), cannot sell on market. means lot of items can't grabbed steam's api. http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/ has items on $400 in value, don't have api can use, makes difficult task me.

a lot of jackpot/betting sites use api grab item's value. however, problem is, cannot check item's value on steam, have restriction of $400 per item, means lot of items (valued on $400) can't sold on market, means can't use api.

anyone know can do? thanks!

it looks you're wanting off-market prices (aka: not steam wallet funds). other answer links website doesn't appear exist anymore , taking data expensive items off steam analyst illegally.

opskins has "api" showing volume , average price of sales filtered day. csgo: https://opskins.com/pricelist/730.json. opskins doesn't offer 1 put item name in , value back, provides item pricing information in single json file updated daily. object/array keys item names. can make own suggestion values want.

example json response:

{     "ak-47 | aquamarine revenge (battle-scarred)":{         "2016-03-30":{             "price":844,             "count":52         },         "2016-03-31":{              "price":839,              "count":40         },         ... 

the results alphabetical, dates ascending, , price in cents. data includes previous 60 days, there no median values. however, trim item down 30 recent dates, sort them, , grab averaged median there.


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