excel vba - Type mismatch Error in VBA when creating ActiveX control drop down list -

i got 3 activex combo boxes in sheet1. used code in this workbook populate first combo box list. have created function next set of combo box cascading values. below function:

  function cascadechild(targetchild oleobject)         dim myconnection connection         dim cmd adodb.command         dim myrecordset recordset         dim myworkbook string         dim strsql string  set myconnection = new adodb.connection set cmd = new adodb.command set myrecordset = new adodb.recordset  'identify workbook referencing    myworkbook = application.thisworkbook.fullname     'open connection workbook   myconnection.open "--"  select case targetchild.name      case = "directorate"          strsql = "select distinct directorate [tgtfield]  dbtable division = '" & sheet1.division.value & "' or 'all' = '" & sheet1.division.value & "'"     case = "area"         strsql = "select distinct area [tgtfield]  dbtable ( division = '" & sheet1.division.value & "' or 'all' = '" & sheet1.division.value & "') , (directorate  = '" & sheet1.directorate.value & "' or 'all' = '" & sheet1.directorate.value & "')" end select  'load query recordset    myrecordset.open strsql, myconnection, adopenstatic   'fill target child listbox    targetchild.object         .clear                 .additem myrecordset![tgtfield]         myrecordset.movenext         loop until myrecordset.eof         .value = .list(0) '<<automatically selects first value in listbox    end    'clean    myconnection.close     set myrecordset = nothing     set myconnection = nothing  end function 

then have written code in sheet1 in vba:

private sub division_change() call cascadechild(activesheet.oleobjects(sheet1.directorate.name)) end sub private sub directorate_change() call cascadechild(activesheet.oleobjects(sheet1.area.name)) end sub 

first combo box giving values, when select value activex control, error msg populating with

runtime error, type mismatch

the error coming debug mode here .additem myrecordset![tgtfield] help


.additem myrecordset.fields(0).value 


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