maven - How to link a web resource file from /main/resources in JSP? -

i have following structure in java webapp

-- main    -- java    -- resources       -- lib          -- css             -- style.css    -- webapp       -- web-inf          -- web.xml       --index.jsp 

how can link style.css index jsp?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="???"> 

what should here?

thanks in advance

the maven /main/resources folder classpath resources not represent java classes, such i18n properties files , kinds of configuration files (text, xml, json, etc). resources you'd obtain via classloader#getresourceasstream().

that folder not intented public web resources (i.e. files accessible public http://xxx url). you're supposed put web resource files in maven /main/webapp folder (outside /web-inf , /meta-inf), correctly did jsp file (which public web resource).

so, move /lib folder down (i'd rename folder e.g. "resources", "assets", or "static", more conform de facto standards; "lib" folder name namely suggests it's full of jar files).

main  |-- java  |-- resources  `-- webapp       |-- lib       |    `-- css       |         `-- style.css       |-- web-inf       |    `-- web.xml       `--index.jsp 

given structure, example deployment context path of /webapp, , example server running on http://localhost:8080, css file should accessible on below absolute url:


so, of below css links in html representation of jsp page should do:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8080/webapp/lib/css/style.css" /> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//localhost:8080/webapp/lib/css/style.css" /> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/webapp/lib/css/style.css" /> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pagecontext.request.contextpath}/lib/css/style.css" /> 

take pick. last 1 recommendable given dynamicness of other parts of target url.

see also:


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