nest - Elasticsearch date range filter does not give proper results with gte, lte -

its been observed lte , gte both take lower bound values. how make take upper bound lte , lower bound gte??

this how query looks

{   "from": 0,   "size": 40,   "query": {     "filtered": {       "filter": {     "bool": {       "should": [         {           "range": {             "createdon": {               "lte": "201505",               "gte": "201404",               "format": "yyyymm"             }           }         }       ]     }       }     }   } } 

the above query not return me valid documents such "2015-05-06t12:55:34.44", "2015-05-26t14:42:24.963" etc. returns "2015-05-01t11:42:24.963" lte 201505

  • 201404 means april 1st 2014
  • 201505 means may 1st 2015

this reason why result. elasticsearch "translates" in background query range 1 1396310400000 1430524799999, meaning 01 apr 2014 00:00:00 gmt 01 may 2015 23:59:59 gmt.

if want between entire month of april 2014 , entire month of may 2015, use this:

          "range": {             "createdon": {               "lte": "201506||-1d/d",               "gte": "201404",               "format": "yyyymm"             }           } 


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