sql - Database Update in VBA -
sub uoload_data() dim s(40) integer dim row integer dim integer = 0 row = 7 39 s(i) = sheets("data").cells(row, 5).value = + 1 next dim cn object dim rs object dim strsql string dim strconnection string dim apppath string set cn = createobject("adodb.connection") apppath = application.activeworkbook.path strconnection = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;" & _ "data source=c:\users\devi\desktop\ability.accdb;" cn.open strconnection strsql = "insert mytable values ('" & s(0) & " ', '" & s(1) & " ','" & s(2) & " ','" & s(3) & " ' )" set rs = cn.execute(strsql) set rs = nothing cn.close set cn = nothing end sub
i have excel sheet of 40 field. update field access database. while insert record database using insert statement. in mean time need write fields of array insert statement. please me out compact statement.
you can use join()
strsql = "insert mytable values ('" & join(s, "','") & "')"
the values in s()
integers, you're wrapping values in single-quotes, db columns text-type?
if numeric columns should drop single-quotes.
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