Android - How to do nothing when tap on notification app and the app is already opened -

i have notification in app , want when tap on notification:

  • if app opened: nothing;
  • if app closed: open app;

current code:

intent intent = new intent(); intent.setclass(mcontext, mainactivity.class); intent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_task); pendingintent contentintent = pendingintent.getactivity(mcontext, 0, intent,     pendingintent.flag_update_current);  notificationcompat.builder mbuilder = new notificationcompat.builder(mcontext); mbuilder.setsmallicon(icon); mbuilder.setcontenttitle(string); mbuilder.setwhen(system.currenttimemillis()); mbuilder.setongoing(true); mbuilder.setcontentintent(contentintent); mbuilder.setvisibility(notificationcompat.visibility_public); mbuilder.setcolor(mcontext.getresources().getcolor(r.color.theme_color));  notification notification =; mnotificationmgr.notify(id, notification); 

activity manifest:

<activity     android:name=".mainactivity"     android:configchanges="keyboardhidden|orientation|mcc|mnc"     android:launchmode="singletop"     android:screenorientation="portrait"     android:label="@string/app_name"         <intent-filter>             <action android:name="android.intent.action.main" />             <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher" />         </intent-filter> </activity> 

if tap on notification , app opened, opens app in front of own app! if app closed, ok!

i'd replace line:


with following:

intent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_single_top | intent.flag_activity_reorder_to_front); 

from documentation:

public static final int flag_activity_single_top

if set, activity not launched if running @ top of history stack.

public static final int flag_activity_reorder_to_front

if set in intent passed context.startactivity(), flag cause launched activity brought front of task's history stack if running.

for example, consider task consisting of 4 activities: a, b, c, d. if d calls startactivity() intent resolves component of activity b, b brought front of history stack, resulting order: a, c, d, b. flag ignored if flag_activity_clear_top specified.

singlet_top prevent activity being launched again , reorder_to_front prevents being recreated. hope helps.


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